Ohio High School Athletic Association|EDAB|About the EDAB|Scholarship Winners|Scholarship Winners 2012

Scholarship Winners 2012

Scholarship Winners 2012
Front Row L to R: Samantha Schott, Kayla Pokopakis, Nicolette Cregan, Christa D'Egidio, Rachelle Putt. Back Row L to R:Timothy Schenkel, ???, Jimmy Tolloti, Jacob Bresciani, Joseph Pierro.
Christa D'Egidio Jacob Bresciani
Christa D'Egidio Jacob Bresciani
Dover Coshocton
Jimmy Tolloti Joseph Pierro
Jimmy Tolloti Joseph Pierro
Tuscarawas Central Catholic Steubenville
Kayla Prokopakis Nicolette Cregan
Kayla Prokopakis Nicolette Cregan
Edison Local Strasburg-Franklin
Rachelle Putt Samantha Schott
Rachel Putt Samantha Schott
Garaway Shenandoah
Timothy Schenkel
Timothy Schenkel

Scholarship Winners 2012

*Taryn Annis Tri-Valley
*Jacob Bresciani Coshocton
*Nicolette Cregan Strasburg-Franklin
Christa D'Egidio Dover
*Joseph Pierro Steubenville
*Kayla Prokopakis Edison Local
Rachelle Putt Garaway
*Timothy Schenkel Caldwell
*Samantha Schott Shenandoah
Jimmy Tolloti Tusca. Central Catholic
Morgan Welker Sandy Valley
*Denotes OHSAA Scholarship