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Golden Whistle Awards

Golden Whistle Awards

Golden Whistle Awards

Pat Tabler - basketball (40 years) & baseball/softball (15 years)

Wayne Arnold - basketball (46 years)
Dan Drummond - football (50 years)
Felix Hamilton - football (48), basketball (50), baseball (50), & softball (46)
Ernest Butts - baseball (46) & volleyball
Bernie Hensley - baseball (37), basketball (40), football (42), softball (37), & volleyball (24)
Jeff Jones - football (42), basketball (11), softball (24), & volleyball (11)
Danny Oates - basketball (41)
Matt Orin (posthumously) - baseball, basketball, football, & softball 
Lou Peake - basketball (42)
Dave Pitkin - basketball (43) & football (41)
Phil Rhonemus - volleyball (43) & basketball (48)
Kevin Schwarzel - basketball (40)
Mark Wiley (posthumously) - soccer

Johnny Evans - basketball (41), football (40), & volleyball
Phil Lightfoot - baseball (42), basketball (42), & football
Ron Miller - basketball (45), volleyball (45), track (30), and soccer

Lou Bennett - baseball (40), football (36), softball (39), & basketball
Tom Hardy - basketball (50)

2018 and previous years - under construction