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Pole Vault Coaches Education

Pole Vault Certification Information

  • The Board of Control has adopted mandatory training for coaches in schools that sponsor the Pole Vault event.  Compliance with this requirement is the responsibility of the member school.
  • Schools sponsoring PV must have at least one coach who has received the training.    If a school uses one coach for all athletes at the school (boys and girls) and both levels – HS and 7-8, then only that coach must receive the training; however, that coach must be present during all training and competition.
  • Training Options
    • Attend one of the clinics sponsored by the OATCCC.
    • Take an on-line training course 

Pole Vault Weight Ratings Labels Memo

To: OHSAA Member Schools
Subject: Requirements for Pole Vault Weight Rating Labels
Date: January 2009
   The NFHS rule requiring the visible manufacturer’s pole rating, size and location of rating mark was adopted in 1995. The history is LINKED HERE (in PDF format) for your information.
   From 1995 through 2000, the NFHS Track and Field rules required the manufacturer’s pole weight rating to be placed on the pole.  For poles purchased prior to 1995, the school coach could mark the pole based on the manufacturer’s pole’s etchings.  However, for the 2001 season and beyond, only those poles with the manufacturer’s placed weight rating label were to be considered legal for warm-up and competition, providing all other requirements for the pole were met.  Coach marked poles were not to be used in warm-ups or competition.
   If schools have older poles and no manufacturer’s weight rating label on the poles, the school coach should contact the manufacturer directly to work to secure the manufacturer’s weight rating label.  If you have poles without the manufacturer’s weight rating label and the company is out of business, these poles would not be legal for warm-ups or competition due to the lack of the required manufacturer’s weight rating label.  It should be noted this rule and application have been part of Rule 7-4 since spring of 2001.