NEWS RELEASE – Ohio High School Athletic Association
Executive Director Jerry Snodgrass
For Immediate Release – September 19, 2019
OHSAA Board of Directors Meeting Highlights
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio High School Athletic Association Board of Directors held its regularly scheduled September meeting Thursday morning at the OHSAA office. The following are highlights from the meeting. Complete meeting minutes will be posted at
The Board received the attendance and financial reports from the OHSAA’s spring state tournaments of baseball, lacrosse, softball, boys tennis and track & field. All the spring sports state tournaments except lacrosse were a financial loss for the OHSAA. The softball state tournament drew 7,880 fans, down from 9,227 in 2018, which resulted in a financial loss of $9,280. The baseball state tournament drew 12,232 fans, down from 13,962 in 2018, and resulted in a financial loss of $4,245. The track and field state tournament drew a state-record 28,834 fans, but increased expenses resulted in an overall loss of $16,909. The boys tennis state tournament drew 1,111 fans and resulted in a loss of $4,679. The lacrosse state tournament (including semifinals) drew 6,578 fans and resulted in net proceeds of $10,979.
The Board approved the football practice start dates for the next two years. In 2020, football practice will begin on Saturday, August 1, and there will be no mandatory off-day on Sunday, August 2. The mandatory off-days in 2020 will be August 9 and 16. Then in 2021, football practice will begin on Monday, August 2.
The Board was updated on the upcoming OHSAA Foundation Student Leadership Conference, set for Tuesday, October 1. The 1,500 available reservations are almost full. Please see the release posted at:
The Board approved three recommendations to fill unexpired terms on District Athletic Boards on a one-year interim basis. In the East District, Ray Hibbs, Athletic Director at Harrison Central, will serve as the 7th and 8th grade representative, replacing Dave Gray. In the Northeast District, Steve Watkins, principal at Dalton Middle School, will serve as the 7th and 8th grade representative, replacing Dick Kerschbaum. In the Southwest District, Jonas L. Smith, Athletic Director at Cincinnati Withrow High School, will serve as the Ethnic Minority representative, replacing Bill Myles. With a rotation system already in place, Mr. Watkins will also serve as the 7th-8th grade representative on the OHSAA Board of Directors.
The Board approved the 2019-20 media regulations and tournament audio broadcast rates. Those documents are posted at: The tournament delayed video rates will be presented to the Board at its October meeting.
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Tim Stried
Director of Communications
Ohio High School Athletic Association
614-267-2502, ext. 124 office
614-267-1677 fax
4080 Roselea Place
Columbus, OH 43214