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DVDs and Flash Drives

OHSAA State Tournament DVDs and Flash Drives

The OHSAA has a collection of select state tournament DVDs that are available for purchase. Most of the DVDs are of the state finals. Limited sports have semifinals available. The purpose of our collection is to archive the memories of high school sports not only for our library, but for the enjoyment of those who support high school sports or were fortunate enough to be part of the action!
Beginning with the 2020-21 School Year, the OHSAA only sells DVDs from the football and basketball state championship games. To access on-demand video and DVDs of OHSAA state tournaments in other sports, please go to www.nfhsnetwork.com. 
Contact Zachary Taylor at [email protected] or 614-267-2502 with questions or inquiries.

Important Ordering Information


The OHSAA works with our television partners as well as video crews at some of the tournament venues. The videos we have are provided to us by these partners. Some may contain commercials and some may not. Some may contain “blacked out” areas which is where the commercials would have been. We have no control over this.

DVDs prior to 2006 have been converted from VHS or 16mm format. Video quality may be affected. The sound quality may be substandard or there may be no sound at all. Certain older games may have portions missing due to damage that was found on the archived films.

The contents of any DVD or flashdrive purchased from this site are the property of The Ohio High School Athletic Association and may not be duplicated 
without permission from the OHSAA.

DVDs and flashdrives are $30.00 each which includes shipping & handling. You may pay with check or credit card. Please refer to the order form for details. No cash, please.

Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.