The following information has been prepared to assist you with your coverage of the upcoming OHSAA state swimming and diving tournament. Please contact Tim Stried (
[email protected] or 614-267-2502, ext. 124) at the OHSAA office should you have additional questions. Additional information will be posted on the OHSAA web site the week of each state tournament.
LOCATION: C.T. Branin Natatorium (2,400 seat capacity), Canton McKinley High School
YOUR HOSTS: The state tournament manager is Joan Rehfus. The media coordinators are Patty McLean
[email protected]) and Lisa Buckley (
[email protected]). The OHSAA administrator for swimming and diving is Kelly Schoenly.
Tuesday, February 18 -
Boys Div. II Diving - 9:00 AM
Boys Div. I Diving - 2:30 PM
Wednesday, February 19 -
Girls Div. II Diving - 9:00 AM
Girls Div. I Diving - 3:00 PM
Thursday, February 20 -
Girls & Boys Div. II Swim Prelims - 5:00 PM
Friday, February 21 -
Girls & Boys Div. I Swim Prelims - 9:00 AM
Girls & Boys Div. II Swim Finals - 5:00 PM
Girls & Boys Para Swim Finals - 5:00 PM
Saturday, February 22 -
Girls & Boys Div. I Swim Finals - 3:00 PM
PARKING: There are no media parking passes. Media parking is on a first-come, first-served basis and is available adjacent to the high school and natatorium. The cost for parking is between $5 and $15 and is controlled by the Pro Football Hall of Fame Village or Canton City Schools.
NFHS NETWORK COVERAGE: The NFHS Network has exclusivity of any live video from the OHSAA swimming and diving state tournament. All other video broadcasts must be on tape-delay until after the session has ended.
CREDENTIALS: Scan and email your application form to Tim Stried at the OHSAA office (
[email protected]) prior to the application deadline. The deadline to request credentials is noon on Tuesday, February 18. Credentials will be held at the media pass gate at the north entrance to Branin Natatorium (Door N1). No credentials will be issued to coaches, children, school personnel, or parents of state qualifiers.
CREDENTIAL CONFIRMATION: The OHSAA will send a confirmation email to approved media requests and post a list on the state tournament credential page at of those media members who have been approved for credentials. Denied requests will be notified by email.
MEDIA WORKSPACE: A media work room is available beside the hospitality area, which is through the west hallway, opposite the diving well. There is wireless access available.
RESULTS: Results will be placed in marked folders in the media work room. Results will also be posted on the OHSAA web site as soon as possible after each session.
PHOTOGRAPHY REGULATIONS: Flash photography is not permitted at any time during the diving portion of the tournament. Flash photography is also not permitted immediately before the start of each swimming event (so as to not interfere with the starter’s signal). Once swimmers are in the water, flash photography is permitted. Due to the congestion on the pool deck, photos from behind the starting blocks may not be taken during relay events. Photos may only be taken during a return lap in which the swimmers are between the far turn and the half way point of the near side. After taking those photos, photographers must step straight back and away from the pool’s edge to allow the land official and timers access to the touch/finish, unless the lane official instructs otherwise. Photographers may not interfere with the participants, tournament officials, staff or timers. Those who do will be moved to the normal photo shooting positions along the pool’s side deck or asked to leave. Photographers are to remain in the diving well area when they are not shooting an event. Please be sensitive to participants who have been disqualified. As a reminder, only bona fide newspaper offices or official newspaper websites may sell photographs from OHSAA tournament contests.
### OHSAA ###