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Northstar Golf Club - Team and Individual
FRIDAY - No. 1 Tee
9:00 NE, C/E/SE and SW District Runners-Up No. 5 Player
Columbus Wellington School
Cincinnati Seven Hills
9:08 NE, C/E/SE and SW District Runners-Up No. 4 Player
9:16 NE, C/E/SE and SW District Runners-Up No. 3 Player
9:24 NE, C/E/SE and SW District Runners-Up No. 2 Player
9:32 NE, C/E/SE and SW District Runners-Up No. 1 Player
9:40 SW District No. 1 Individual and C/E/SE and NE District No. 2
Avery Green, South Charleston Southeastern
Nick Harmon, Groveport Madison Christian
Nolan Snyder, Berlin Center Western Reserve
9:48 C/E/SE, NE and NW District No. 1 Individuals
Austin Meronoff, Steubenville Catholic Central
Jacob Harrah, Newton Falls
Peter Campbell, Fostoria St. Wendelin
9:56 C/E/SE, NW and SW District Champions No. 5 Player
Gahanna Columbus Academy
Toledo Ottawa Hills
West Liberty-Salem
10:04 C/E/SE, NW and SW District Champions No. 4 Player
10:12 C/E/SE, NW and SW District Champions No. 3 Player
10:20 C/E/SE, NW and SW District Champions No. 2 Player
10:28 C/E/SE, NW and SW District Champions No. 1 Player
FRIDAY - No. 10 Tee
9:00 C/E/SE District 3rd & 4th Place Teams and NW 4th Place Team No. 5
Sugarcreek Garaway
Newark Catholic
Lima Central Catholic
9:08 C/E/SE District 3rd & 4th Place Teams and NW 4th Place Team No. 4
9:16 C/E/SE District 3rd & 4th Place Teams and NW 4th Place Team No. 3
9:24 C/E/SE District 3rd & 4th Place Teams and NW 4th Place Team No. 2
9:32 C/E/SE District 3rd & 4th Place Teams and NW 4th Place Team No. 1
9:40 NW and SW District No. 2 Individuals and C/E/SE No. 3 Individual
Austin Brackman, Minster
Brady Roberts, Fairfield Cincinnati Christian
Brayden Baldridge, Danville
9:48 C/E/SE No. 4 Individual and NW District No. 3 and No. 4 Individual
Aaron Wood, Lancaster Fisher Catholic
Josh Graham, Toledo Christian
Brock Boyer, North Baltimore
9:56 NE District Champions and NW District Runners-Up and NW 3rd Place Team
No. 5 Player
Warren John F. Kennedy
Ashland Crestview
Van Buren
10:04 NE District Champions and NW District Runners-Up and NW 3rd Place Team
No. 4 Player
10:12 NE District Champions and NW District Runners-Up and NW 3rd Place Team
No. 3 Player
10:20 NE District Champions and NW District Runners-Up and NW 3rd Place Team
No. 2 Player
10:28 NE District Champions and NW District Runners-Up and NW 3rd Place Team
No. 1 Player
Based on Friday�s Finish
Division III - Northstar Golf Club No. 1 Tee
9:00 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 5 Player
9:08 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 4 Player
9:16 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 3 Player
9:24 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 2 Player
9:32 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 1 Player
9:40 Individuals No. 6, 5 and 4
9:48 Individuals No. 3, 2 and 1
9:56 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 5 Player
10:04 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 4 Player
10:12 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 3 Player
10:20 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 2 Player
10:28 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 1 Player
Division III - Northstar Golf Club No. 10 Tee
9:00 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 5 Player
9:08 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 4 Player
9:16 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 3 Player
9:24 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 2 Player
9:32 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 1 Player
9:40 Individuals No. 12, 11 and 10
9:48 Individuals No. 9, 8 and 7
9:56 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 5 Player
10:04 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 4 Player
10:12 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 3 Player
10:20 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 2 Player
10:28 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 1 Player
Tie Breakers For Pairings:
1. Throw out score
2. 4th high score
3. 3rd high score
4. 2nd high score
5. low score
6. coin toss