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The Ohio State University, Scarlet Course -
Team and Individual Qualifiers
FRIDAY - No. 1 Tee
9:00 NW/NE and SW District Runners-Up and SW District 3rd Place Team No. 5
Sylvania Northview
Cincinnati Archbishop Moeller
9:08 NW/NE and SW District Runners-Up and SW District 3rd Place Team No. 4
9:16 NW/NE and SW District Runners-Up and SW District 3rd Place Team No. 3
9:24 NW/NE and SW District Runners-Up and SW District 3rd Place Team No. 2
9:32 NW/NE and SW District Runners-Up and SW District 3rd Place Team No. 1
9:40 SW and NW/NE Districts No. 2 and NE District No. 2 Individuals
Ryan Flick, Beavercreek
Trey Walker, Bowling Green
Mike Kenney, Kent Roosevelt
9:48 C/E/SE, NW/NE and SW Districts No. 1 Individuals
Troy Taylor, Westerville South
Spencer Shoemaker, Findlay
Scott Purvis, Mason
9:56 C/E/SE, NE and NW/NE Districts Champions No. 5 Player
Columbus St. Charles
Cleveland St. Ignatius
Toledo St. John's Jesuit
10:04 C/E/SE, NE and NW/NE Districts Champions No. 4 Player
10:12 C/E/SE, NE and NW/NE Districts Champions No. 3 Player
10:20 C/E/SE, NE and NW/NE Districts Champions No. 2 Player
10:28 C/E/SE, NE and NW/NE Districts Champions No. 1 Player
FRIDAY - No. 10 Tee
9:00 C/E/SE and NE Districts 3rd Place and NE District 4th Place Teams No. 5
Powell Olentangy Liberty
Cuyahoga Falls Walsh Jesuit
9:08 C/E/SE and NE Districts 3rd Place and NE District 4th Place Teams No. 4
9:16 C/E/SE and NE Districts 3rd Place and NE District 4th Place Teams No. 3
9:24 C/E/SE and NE Districts 3rd Place and NE District 4th Place Teams No. 2
9:32 C/E/SE and NE Districts 3rd Place and NE District 4th Place Teams No. 1
9:40 C/E/SE and SW Districts No. 3 and NE District No. 4 Individuals
Robert Williams, Mount Vernon
Will Efkeman, Cincinnati LaSalle
Brian Terlesky, Boardman
9:48 NE District No. 1 and C/E/SE No. 2 and NE District No. 3 Individuals
Matt Thomas, Painseville Riverside
Cameron Bruce, Pickerington HS North
JT Forster, Copley
9:56 SW District Champion and C/E/SE and NE District Runners-Up No. 5 Player
Cincinnati St. Xavier
Upper Arlington
Lakewood St. Edward
10:04 SW District Champion and C/E/SE and NE District Runners-Up No. 4
10:12 SW District Champion and C/E/SE and NE District Runners-Up No. 3
10:20 SW District Champion and C/E/SE and NE District Runners-Up No. 2
10:28 SW District Champion and C/E/SE and NE District Runners-Up No. 1
Based on Friday�s Finish
Division I - Ohio State University Scarlet
Course No. 1 Tee
9:00 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 5 Player
9:08 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 4 Player
9:16 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 3 Player
9:24 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 2 Player
9:32 Teams No. 9, 8 and 7 No. 1 Player
9:40 Individuals No. 6, 5 and 4
9:48 Individuals No. 3, 2 and 1
9:56 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 5 Player
10:04 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 4 Player
10:12 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 3 Player
10:20 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 2 Player
10:28 Teams No. 3, 2 and 1 No. 1 Player
Division I - Ohio State University Scarlet Course No. 10 Tee
9:00 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 5 Player
9:08 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 4 Player
9:16 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 3 Player
9:24 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 2 Player
9:32 Teams No. 12, 11 and 10 No. 1 Player
9:40 Individuals No. 12, 11 and 10
9:48 Individuals No. 9, 8 and 7
9:56 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 5 Player
10:04 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 4 Player
10:12 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 3 Player
10:20 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4 No. 2 Player
10:28 Teams No. 6, 5 and 4
Tie Breakers For Pairings:
1. Throw out score
2. 4th high score
3. 3rd high score
4. 2nd high score
5. low score
6. coin toss