Licensed to Lake Erie Swimming LC Championship Meet
                                   HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 4.0 2/11/2012 07:05 PM
         2012 Girls SOUTH Division I Sectional - 2/8/2012 to 2/11/2012         
Event 2  Girls 200 Yard Medley Relay
   Sectional: * 1:51.27        2002 N. Canton Hoover                           
    School                                                        Finals        
  1 Youngstown Boardman  'A'                                    1:53.36  
     1) DeAscentis, Gaby JR             2) Bailey, Brooke FR              
     3) Bodamer, Emily SR               4) Manning, Colleen JR            
                  29.16     1:00.57 (31.41)     1:28.06 (27.49)     1:53.36 (25.30)
  2 Wooster High School  'A'                                    1:55.17  
     1) Persinger, Katelyn SR           2) Tooley, Danielle SR            
     3) Sibilia, Gabrielle SO           4) Perry, Jillian SR              
                  29.73     1:01.71 (31.98)     1:29.29 (27.58)     1:55.17 (25.88)
  3 Canfield High School  'A'                                   1:55.31  
     1) Heaven, Sarah FR                2) Williamson, Olivia SO          
     3) Allen, Mallory SO               4) O'Malley, Briana SO            
                  29.13     1:01.46 (32.33)     1:28.74 (27.28)     1:55.31 (26.57)
  4 Massillon Perry High School  'A'                            1:56.12  
     1) Hamit, Alex SR                  2) Perretta, Carlie FR            
     3) Kortis, Lena SO                 4) Givins, Jessica SR             
                  28.55     1:00.86 (32.31)     1:30.38 (29.52)     1:56.12 (25.74)
  5 Warren G. Harding  'A'                                      1:56.23  
     1) Thirion, Alli SR                2) Thirion, Emily FR              
     3) Brown, Caitlyn SR               4) Jackson, Kelsey SR             
                  29.12       59.75 (30.63)     1:30.05 (30.30)     1:56.23 (26.18)
  6 Green High School  'A'                                      1:56.71  
     1) Douglas, Colleen SR             2) Merrill, Autumnn JR            
     3) Hickman, Hope SR                4) Herbert, Kennedy SO            
                  30.00     1:03.82 (33.82)     1:31.40 (27.58)     1:56.71 (25.31)
  7 North Canton Hoover  'A'                                    1:56.81  
     1) Beam, Olivia JR                 2) Schliffka, Elise SR            
     3) Evans, Sarah SO                 4) Richards, Lauren SR            
                  29.24     1:01.75 (32.51)     1:30.74 (28.99)     1:56.81 (26.07)
  8 Glenoak  'A'                                                1:57.04  
     1) James, Molly SR                 2) Evans, Madison JR              
     3) Franz, Susan SO                 4) McGhee, Rachel JR              
                  30.84     1:03.56 (32.72)     1:30.96 (27.40)     1:57.04 (26.08)
  9 Louisville High School  'A'                                 2:00.52  
     1) Spehar, Stephanie SR            2) Horton, Stephanie SR           
     3) Yu, Amy FR                      4) Brookens, Stephanie SR         
                  34.11     1:06.09 (31.98)     1:35.50 (29.41)     2:00.52 (25.02)
 10 Massillon Jackson  'A'                                      2:00.92  
     1) Pallotta, Alexandria SO         2) Metzger, Ali FR                
     3) Herstine, Holly SR              4) Wiseman, Taylor SO             
                  30.52     1:05.71 (35.19)     1:34.53 (28.82)     2:00.92 (26.39)
 11 Wadsworth  'A'                                              2:03.51  
     1) Cavanaugh, McKay JR             2) Stafford, Kim SO               
     3) Surratt, Lexi SR                4) Surratt, Ellie SO              
                  32.18     1:08.77 (36.59)     1:38.37 (29.60)     2:03.51 (25.14)
 12 Uniontown Lake  'A'                                         2:03.52  
     1) Dutton, Alexandra FR            2) Swanson, Jessie SR             
     3) Ries, Hunter JR                 4) Brejnak, Brittany SO           
                  33.34     1:06.18 (32.84)     1:37.63 (31.45)     2:03.52 (25.89)
 13 Massillon High School  'A'                                  2:03.71  
     1) Lilli, Cassie SR                2) Hickey, Meghan SR              
     3) Sunkle, Chancelor FR            4) Young, Taylor SO               
                  31.11     1:03.77 (32.66)     1:36.19 (32.42)     2:03.71 (27.52)
 14 Cloverleaf High School  'A'                                 2:04.66  
     1) Ferguson, Addy SR               2) Chudzinski, Emily JR           
     3) Kopinsky, Anna SO               4) Jordan, Janelle FR             
                  27.97     1:05.78 (37.81)     1:35.76 (29.98)     2:04.66 (28.90)
 15 Copley  'A'                                                 2:09.75  
     1) Haramis, Tessa SR               2) Blice, Hannah FR               
     3) Caye, Abby JR                   4) Canode, Mayu FR                
                  33.67     1:10.23 (36.56)     1:41.67 (31.44)     2:09.75 (28.08)
 16 Canton McKinley  'A'                                        2:13.51  
     1) Isla, Taylor SO                 2) Parton, Allison SR             
     3) Renick, Allison SO              4) English, Hannah SO             
                  33.51     1:12.58 (39.07)     1:45.03 (32.45)     2:13.51 (28.48)
Event 3  Girls 200 Yard Freestyle
   Sectional: * 1:52.59        2009 Beth Rogers, Canton McKinley               
    Name                    Year School                           Finals        
  1 Nist, Lauren              SO Hoover                         1:57.71  
                  27.32       57.49 (30.17)     1:27.71 (30.22)     1:57.71 (30.00)
  2 Prifti, Brenda            FR Copley                         1:58.11  
                  26.96       56.58 (29.62)     1:26.96 (30.38)     1:58.11 (31.15)
  3 Thirion, Alli             SR Warren Harding                 1:58.97  
                  27.54       58.03 (30.49)     1:28.72 (30.69)     1:58.97 (30.25)
  4 Buckley, Marissa          JR McKinley                       2:00.40  
                  27.76       58.84 (31.08)     1:29.85 (31.01)     2:00.40 (30.55)
  5 James, Molly              SR GlenOak                        2:01.33  
                  28.21       58.87 (30.66)     1:30.15 (31.28)     2:01.33 (31.18)
  6 Loughner, Haley           FR Jackson                        2:02.72  
                  27.94       58.55 (30.61)     1:30.22 (31.67)     2:02.72 (32.50)
  7 Perry, Alyson             SR McKinley                       2:03.16  
                  28.45       59.74 (31.29)     1:31.92 (32.18)     2:03.16 (31.24)
  8 Round, Emma               FR Copley                         2:04.24  
                  29.13     1:00.89 (31.76)     1:32.75 (31.86)     2:04.24 (31.49)
  9 Minor, Gabby              FR Hoover                         2:04.65  
                  28.64       59.58 (30.94)     1:31.73 (32.15)     2:04.65 (32.92)
 10 Lammlein, Lauren          SR Hoover                         2:05.88  
                  27.95       59.98 (32.03)     1:33.15 (33.17)     2:05.88 (32.73)
 11 Amstutz, Allison          FR Wooster                        2:07.21  
                  29.95     1:02.43 (32.48)     1:34.96 (32.53)     2:07.21 (32.25)
 12 Kussow, Katie             SO Green                          2:09.06  
                  29.65     1:02.78 (33.13)     1:36.20 (33.42)     2:09.06 (32.86)
 13 McMichael, Lindsay        FR Wooster                        2:09.62  
                  29.89     1:02.36 (32.47)     1:35.78 (33.42)     2:09.62 (33.84)
 14 Stafford, Kim             SO Wadsworth                      2:10.62  
                  29.61     1:02.56 (32.95)     1:36.88 (34.32)     2:10.62 (33.74)
 15 Zuniga, Katie             FR Perry                          2:10.83  
                  29.99     1:03.10 (33.11)     1:37.47 (34.37)     2:10.83 (33.36)
 16 Lyall, Abby               SO Jackson                        2:10.95  
                  29.79     1:02.77 (32.98)     1:37.11 (34.34)     2:10.95 (33.84)
 17 Kortis, Lena              SO Perry                          2:11.07  
                  29.93     1:03.13 (33.20)     1:37.62 (34.49)     2:11.07 (33.45)
 18 Tolson, Sarah             FR Hoover                         2:12.44  
                  31.10     1:05.09 (33.99)     1:39.40 (34.31)     2:12.44 (33.04)
 19 Frazee, Sarah             JR Barberton                      2:12.66  
                  29.98     1:03.35 (33.37)     1:37.99 (34.64)     2:12.66 (34.67)
 20 Cornelius, Elise          FR Jackson                        2:12.75  
                  29.75     1:02.45 (32.70)     1:37.54 (35.09)     2:12.75 (35.21)
 21 Motts, Jessie             SR GlenOak                        2:12.87  
                  30.33     1:03.74 (33.41)     1:38.38 (34.64)     2:12.87 (34.49)
 21 Davis, Leslie             JR Canfield                       2:12.87  
                  30.25     1:03.94 (33.69)     1:38.77 (34.83)     2:12.87 (34.10)
 23 James, Clare              FR GlenOak                        2:16.00  
                  31.51     1:05.82 (34.31)     1:41.27 (35.45)     2:16.00 (34.73)
 24 Morris, Rachel            JR Louisville                     2:16.33  
                  30.76     1:04.68 (33.92)     1:40.41 (35.73)     2:16.33 (35.92)
 25 Lewis, Julia              FR Boardman                       2:16.44  
                  31.81     1:06.72 (34.91)     1:42.35 (35.63)     2:16.44 (34.09)
 26 Brookens, Ashley          SO Louisville                     2:17.47  
                  30.66     1:05.77 (35.11)     1:42.54 (36.77)     2:17.47 (34.93)
 27 McMichael, Kylie          JR Wooster                        2:17.48  
                  30.58     1:05.60 (35.02)     1:41.94 (36.34)     2:17.48 (35.54)
 28 Runser, Katie             SR Massillon                      2:19.44  
                  30.96     1:06.02 (35.06)     1:42.85 (36.83)     2:19.44 (36.59)
 29 Scott, Liz                SO Perry                          2:19.84  
                  31.48     1:06.54 (35.06)     1:44.06 (37.52)     2:19.84 (35.78)
 30 Farber, Taylor            JR Copley                         2:20.47  
                  31.74     1:06.58 (34.84)     1:43.48 (36.90)     2:20.47 (36.99)
 31 Leipensberger, Megan      SO Green                          2:20.60  
                  31.72     1:06.58 (34.86)     1:43.73 (37.15)     2:20.60 (36.87)
 32 Plazek, Tessa             JR Cloverleaf                     2:20.68  
                  32.14     1:07.47 (35.33)     1:44.21 (36.74)     2:20.68 (36.47)
 33 Carafelli, Victoria       JR McKinley                       2:21.90  
                  31.14     1:07.22 (36.08)     1:45.36 (38.14)     2:21.90 (36.54)
 34 Furlow, Abigal            SO McKinley                       2:21.97  
                  32.34     1:08.62 (36.28)     1:45.61 (36.99)     2:21.97 (36.36)
 35 Mickley, Lisa             SR Jackson                        2:22.32  
                  30.90     1:06.32 (35.42)     1:43.81 (37.49)     2:22.32 (38.51)
 36 Loomis, Erin              JR Canfield                       2:22.50  
                  33.54     1:10.04 (36.50)     1:46.97 (36.93)     2:22.50 (35.53)
 37 Talley, Mary Jo           JR Copley                         2:22.76  
                  32.06     1:07.52 (35.46)     1:44.57 (37.05)     2:22.76 (38.19)
 38 Monter, Hannah            SR Louisville                     2:25.49  
                  33.80     1:10.69 (36.89)     1:48.43 (37.74)     2:25.49 (37.06)
 39 Chudzinski, Emily         JR Cloverleaf                     2:25.52  
                  31.28     1:07.51 (36.23)     1:46.66 (39.15)     2:25.52 (38.86)
 40 Azeem, Nabila             SR Boardman                       2:27.20  
                  32.65     1:09.07 (36.42)     1:47.94 (38.87)     2:27.20 (39.26)
 41 Linz, Katerina            JR Wooster                        2:29.49  
                  35.01     1:12.83 (37.82)     1:52.24 (39.41)     2:29.49 (37.25)
 42 Pasqual, Ariana           FR Boardman                       2:30.06  
                  32.98     1:11.12 (38.14)     1:51.68 (40.56)     2:30.06 (38.38)
 43 Harris, Mariah            JR Massillon                      2:30.65  
                  33.37     1:11.31 (37.94)     1:50.66 (39.35)     2:30.65 (39.99)
 44 Serbin, Paige             SR Wadsworth                      2:30.97  
                  33.21     1:11.63 (38.42)     1:52.65 (41.02)     2:30.97 (38.32)
 45 Krajcovic, Rachael        FR Barberton                      2:31.02  
                  33.71     1:12.13 (38.42)     1:52.06 (39.93)     2:31.02 (38.96)
 46 Ryan, Kelsey              SR GlenOak                        2:31.27  
                  33.57     1:11.63 (38.06)     1:51.57 (39.94)     2:31.27 (39.70)
 47 Dixon, Ashley             JR Lake                           2:31.30  
                  33.77     1:11.86 (38.09)     1:52.09 (40.23)     2:31.30 (39.21)
 48 Loomis, Kerra             FR Canfield                       2:31.52  
                  34.42     1:13.76 (39.34)     1:54.35 (40.59)     2:31.52 (37.17)
 49 Smith, Haley              FR Wadsworth                      2:32.03  
                  35.10     1:14.12 (39.02)     1:54.58 (40.46)     2:32.03 (37.45)
 50 Grossi, Bella             FR Perry                          2:32.71  
                  32.82     1:11.94 (39.12)     1:53.13 (41.19)     2:32.71 (39.58)
 51 Woods, Olivia             FR Warren Harding                 2:33.78  
                  35.12     1:13.77 (38.65)     1:54.99 (41.22)     2:33.78 (38.79)
 52 Malacky, Susanna          FR Warren Harding                 2:35.16  
                  35.43     1:13.96 (38.53)     1:54.56 (40.60)     2:35.16 (40.60)
 53 Koehl, Abigail            SO Lake                           2:35.71  
                                1:14.08 ( )     1:54.98 (40.90)     2:35.71 (40.73)
 54 Bradley, Haley            FR Louisville                     2:37.05  
                  33.60     1:13.27 (39.67)     1:55.71 (42.44)     2:37.05 (41.34)
 55 Gillespie, Emily          FR Lake                           2:41.21  
                  35.49     1:17.97 (42.48)     2:01.09 (43.12)     2:41.21 (40.12)
 56 Krajcovic, Krystal        JR Barberton                      2:59.35  
                  39.97     1:25.62 (45.65)     2:13.24 (47.62)     2:59.35 (46.11)
 57 Parillo, Angela           JR Boardman                       2:59.70  
                  40.16     1:27.12 (46.96)     2:15.01 (47.89)     2:59.70 (44.69)
 58 Magons, Corinne           FR Wadsworth                      3:01.66  
                  41.90     1:29.00 (47.10)     2:17.26 (48.26)     3:01.66 (44.40)
 -- Gunn, Ashley              SO Lake                                DQ  
                  32.79     1:09.76 (36.97)     1:47.30 (37.54)          DQ (37.34)
Event 4  Girls 200 Yard IM
   Sectional: * 2:10.01        1999 Trisha Kessler, Canton McKinley            
    Name                    Year School                           Finals        
  1 Hickman, Hope             SR Green                          2:15.25  
                  29.08     1:02.95 (33.87)     1:43.15 (40.20)     2:15.25 (32.10)
  2 Hamit, Alex               SR Perry                          2:15.77  
                  29.37     1:02.91 (33.54)     1:44.14 (41.23)     2:15.77 (31.63)
  3 Heaven, Sarah             FR Canfield                       2:18.74  
                  29.02     1:05.42 (36.40)     1:44.91 (39.49)     2:18.74 (33.83)
  4 Hickey, Meghan            SR Massillon                      2:20.35  
                  30.54     1:07.09 (36.55)     1:46.74 (39.65)     2:20.35 (33.61)
  5 Williamson, Olivia        SO Canfield                       2:22.09  
                  30.74     1:06.46 (35.72)     1:48.15 (41.69)     2:22.09 (33.94)
  6 Evans, Sarah              SO Hoover                         2:22.63  
                  30.69     1:07.40 (36.71)     1:52.11 (44.71)     2:22.63 (30.52)
  7 Cornelius, Emily          JR Wooster                        2:22.78  
                  30.04     1:07.40 (37.36)     1:48.92 (41.52)     2:22.78 (33.86)
  8 Horton, Stephanie         SR Louisville                     2:24.27  
                  31.78     1:10.90 (39.12)     1:50.58 (39.68)     2:24.27 (33.69)
  9 Gonda, Sarah              FR Boardman                       2:24.78  
                  31.62     1:08.26 (36.64)     1:52.01 (43.75)     2:24.78 (32.77)
 10 Marino, Emily             SR Perry                          2:24.93  
                  33.45     1:12.17 (38.72)     1:51.76 (39.59)     2:24.93 (33.17)
 11 Pallotta, Alexandria      SO Jackson                        2:26.70  
                  31.57     1:06.97 (35.40)     1:52.91 (45.94)     2:26.70 (33.79)
 12 O'Malley, Briana          SO Canfield                       2:27.54  
                  30.97     1:09.63 (38.66)     1:53.27 (43.64)     2:27.54 (34.27)
 13 Rodriguez, Gabriella      SO Copley                         2:27.59  
                  32.44     1:08.94 (36.50)     1:54.41 (45.47)     2:27.59 (33.18)
 14 Werth, Megan              SR Boardman                       2:27.94  
                  30.99     1:10.93 (39.94)     1:52.64 (41.71)     2:27.94 (35.30)
 15 Merrill, Autumnn          JR Green                          2:28.43  
                  32.08     1:10.71 (38.63)     1:54.05 (43.34)     2:28.43 (34.38)
 16 Yu, Amy                   FR Louisville                     2:28.48  
                  30.46     1:08.38 (37.92)     1:53.35 (44.97)     2:28.48 (35.13)
 17 Aston, Kimberlee          SO Hoover                         2:28.65  
                  32.52     1:11.02 (38.50)     1:54.12 (43.10)     2:28.65 (34.53)
 18 Deevers, Amanda           SR Green                          2:29.10  
                  32.83     1:13.90 (41.07)     1:54.49 (40.59)     2:29.10 (34.61)
 19 Gingery, Madison          SO Wooster                        2:30.06  
                  32.17     1:08.10 (35.93)     1:54.65 (46.55)     2:30.06 (35.41)
 20 Mullens, Maggie           SO Hoover                         2:31.54  
                  31.52     1:08.19 (36.67)     1:54.65 (46.46)     2:31.54 (36.89)
 21 Tieche, Anna Marie        FR Wooster                        2:32.44  
                  32.22     1:09.98 (37.76)     1:58.51 (48.53)     2:32.44 (33.93)
 22 Risher, Mya               FR GlenOak                        2:33.02  
                  33.58     1:15.67 (42.09)     1:58.24 (42.57)     2:33.02 (34.78)
 23 Bailey, Sydney            FR Copley                         2:33.75  
                  35.58     1:13.86 (38.28)     1:59.41 (45.55)     2:33.75 (34.34)
 24 Kopinsky, Anna            SO Cloverleaf                     2:34.04  
                  31.68     1:12.21 (40.53)     1:59.64 (47.43)     2:34.04 (34.40)
 25 Hernon, Cara              FR Warren Harding                 2:34.68  
                  32.82     1:11.30 (38.48)     2:00.20 (48.90)     2:34.68 (34.48)
 26 Metzger, Ali              FR Jackson                        2:35.41  
                  33.75     1:16.01 (42.26)     1:58.00 (41.99)     2:35.41 (37.41)
 27 Sunkle, Chancelor         FR Massillon                      2:35.82  
                  34.43     1:15.95 (41.52)     2:01.46 (45.51)     2:35.82 (34.36)
 28 Thomas, Taylor            SO Jackson                        2:36.05  
                  31.06     1:10.91 (39.85)     2:00.66 (49.75)     2:36.05 (35.39)
 29 Yu, Tina                  JR Louisville                     2:38.76  
                  31.40     1:15.17 (43.77)     2:02.83 (47.66)     2:38.76 (35.93)
 30 Azeem, Noura              SO Boardman                       2:39.06  
                  32.61     1:11.58 (38.97)     2:00.08 (48.50)     2:39.06 (38.98)
 31 Kirsch, Jordan            FR GlenOak                        2:39.13  
                  33.20     1:14.31 (41.11)     2:02.32 (48.01)     2:39.13 (36.81)
 32 Rodenbaugh, Taylor        SR Canfield                       2:39.73  
                  37.42     1:16.93 (39.51)     2:03.50 (46.57)     2:39.73 (36.23)
 33 Canode, Mayu              FR Copley                         2:40.31  
                  33.58     1:15.59 (42.01)     2:04.93 (49.34)     2:40.31 (35.38)
 34 Ries, Hunter              JR Lake                           2:40.62  
                  34.79     1:13.86 (39.07)     2:05.09 (51.23)     2:40.62 (35.53)
 35 Grunder, Anna             FR GlenOak                        2:41.57  
                  33.65     1:14.36 (40.71)     2:04.13 (49.77)     2:41.57 (37.44)
 36 Carstensen, Larkin        FR Wooster                        2:41.71  
                  35.74     1:16.63 (40.89)     2:06.14 (49.51)     2:41.71 (35.57)
 37 Lacourt, Kaylee           JR Perry                          2:41.96  
                  36.25     1:19.23 (42.98)     2:05.74 (46.51)     2:41.96 (36.22)
 38 Snyder, Alyssa            SO Hoover                         2:43.23  
                  37.08     1:19.72 (42.64)     2:04.66 (44.94)     2:43.23 (38.57)
 39 Dutton, Alexandra         FR Lake                           2:43.46  
                  34.44     1:14.10 (39.66)     2:04.56 (50.46)     2:43.46 (38.90)
 40 Kahler, Elizabeth         SO Perry                          2:44.04  
                  33.22     1:14.16 (40.94)     2:03.21 (49.05)     2:44.04 (40.83)
 41 Curtis, Paisley           JR Boardman                       2:46.55  
                  32.95     1:14.43 (41.48)     2:07.70 (53.27)     2:46.55 (38.85)
 42 Jansen, Erin              JR Wadsworth                      2:48.71  
                  38.86     1:19.31 (40.45)     2:10.99 (51.68)     2:48.71 (37.72)
 43 Anderson, Brittany        JR Louisville                     2:49.74  
                  38.04     1:21.69 (43.65)     2:10.03 (48.34)     2:49.74 (39.71)
 44 Parton, Allison           SR McKinley                       2:50.37  
                  35.32     1:20.57 (45.25)     2:10.60 (50.03)     2:50.37 (39.77)
 45 Braman, Kelsey            FR Copley                         2:53.03  
                  36.93     1:24.27 (47.34)     2:11.83 (47.56)     2:53.03 (41.20)
 46 D'Agostine, Mary          SO McKinley                       2:56.99  
                  38.97     1:23.85 (44.88)     2:17.53 (53.68)     2:56.99 (39.46)
 47 Jansen, Hosanna           FR Wadsworth                      3:04.26  
                  41.25     1:27.35 (46.10)     2:22.42 (55.07)     3:04.26 (41.84)
 48 Jones, Arianna            JR Wadsworth                      3:13.10  
                  42.72     1:34.70 (51.98)     2:27.82 (53.12)     3:13.10 (45.28)
 49 Chamier, Molly            SO Wadsworth                      3:19.89  
                  50.30     1:42.06 (51.76)     2:36.42 (54.36)     3:19.89 (43.47)
Event 5  Girls 50 Yard Freestyle
   Sectional: * 23.56        2011 Chase Kinney, JACKSON                        
    Name                    Year School                           Finals        
  1 Kinney, Chase             JR Jackson                          23.69  
  2 Acuna, Rebekah            JR Hoover                           24.45  
  3 Graeff, Elizabeth         SO Jackson                          24.49  
  4 Myers, Madison            FR Copley                           24.68  
  5 Brookens, Stephanie       SR Louisville                       25.18  
  6 Surratt, Ellie            SO Wadsworth                        25.21  
  7 Evans, Anna               JR McKinley                         25.55  
  8 Sibilia, Gabrielle        SO Wooster                          25.60  
  9 Evans, Madison            JR GlenOak                          25.75  
 10 Schliffka, Elise          SR Hoover                           25.87  
 11 Givins, Jessica           SR Perry                            25.88  
 12 Vozar, Tianna             FR McKinley                         26.02  
 13 Persinger, Katelyn        SR Wooster                          26.04  
 14 Brejnak, Brittany         SO Lake                             26.10  
 15 Wenger, Sydney            FR Wooster                          26.18  
 16 Jackson, Kelsey           SR Warren Harding                   26.22  
 17 Markovitch, Jordyn        SO Boardman                         26.31  
 18 DeAscentis, Gaby          JR Boardman                         26.62  
 19 Moss, Amanda              FR Boardman                         26.63  
 19 Heffernan, Madeline       SO GlenOak                          26.63  
 21 Sutton, Natasha           SO Perry                            26.78  
 22 Beam, Olivia              JR Hoover                           26.80  
 23 Tondra, Krystin           JR Jackson                          26.89  
 24 Surratt, Lexi             SR Wadsworth                        26.90  
 25 Wellham, Jamie            SO Canfield                         26.97  
 26 Wiseman, Taylor           SO Jackson                          27.03  
 27 Douglas, Colleen          SR Green                            27.49  
 28 Grasse, Taylor            SR McKinley                         27.55  
 29 Godwin, Angela            SO Louisville                       27.90  
 30 Young, Taylor             SO Massillon                        28.05  
 31 Brown, Caitlyn            SR Warren Harding                   28.13  
 32 Jordan, Janelle           FR Cloverleaf                       28.24  
 33 Klein, Priscila           JR Massillon                        28.29  
 34 Swanson, Jessie           SR Lake                             28.33  
 35 Spehar, Stephanie         SR Louisville                       28.39  
 36 Blakeman, Amanda          SR GlenOak                          28.55  
 37 Schwanemann, Aileen       JR Warren Harding                   28.64  
 38 Blakeman, Sarah           JR GlenOak                          28.72  
 39 English, Hannah           SO McKinley                         29.03  
 40 Bailey, Britteny          SR Green                            29.11  
 41 Elrod, Taylor             SO Green                            29.22  
 42 Easterling, Mollie        FR Cloverleaf                       29.23  
 43 Lopez, Mikaela            SR Hoover                           29.34  
 44 Gonda, Audre              SO Louisville                       29.61  
 45 Blice, Hannah             FR Copley                           29.66  
 46 Kennedy, Haley            SR Warren Harding                   30.05  
 47 Han, Elizabeth            JR Cloverleaf                       30.22  
 48 Briggs, Marissa           SO Perry                            30.50  
 49 Barnett, Trisha           SO Perry                            30.62  
 50 Shimko, Emma              FR Cloverleaf                       30.77  
 51 Oser, Taylor              SO Lake                             31.41  
 52 Spicocchi, Taylor         SO Massillon                        31.50  
 53 Braswell, Lauren          JR Green                            31.85  
 54 Holokai, Loryn            SR Boardman                         31.95  
 55 Hulgin, Mia               FR Lake                             32.04  
 56 Lee, Carolyn              FR Wadsworth                        32.13  
 57 Gipson, Allison           SR Wadsworth                        32.40  
 58 Fox, Alexus               FR Massillon                        34.65  
 59 Fernwalt, Hisako          JR Barberton                        35.24  
 60 Cox, Mackenzie            JR Copley                           35.91  
 61 Weaver, Alexa             SO Canfield                         36.12  
 62 Diaz, Amanda              SR Barberton                        39.31  
 -- Perry, Jillian            SR Wooster                             DQ  
 -- Nicholson, Valerie        JR Barberton                           DQ  
Event 6  Girls 100 Yard Butterfly
   Sectional: * 56.77        2009 Beth Rogers, Canton McKinley                 
    Name                    Year School                           Finals        
  1 Ferguson, Addy            SR Cloverleaf                       58.59  
                  27.59       58.59 (31.00)                                        
  2 Thirion, Emily            FR Warren Harding                   58.81  
                  27.17       58.81 (31.64)                                        
  3 Prifti, Brenda            FR Copley                         1:00.26  
                  28.11     1:00.26 (32.15)                                        
  4 Allen, Mallory            SO Canfield                       1:01.21  
                  28.81     1:01.21 (32.40)                                        
  5 Bailey, Brooke            FR Boardman                       1:01.39  
                  28.90     1:01.39 (32.49)                                        
  6 Nist, Lauren              SO Hoover                         1:01.78  
                  29.08     1:01.78 (32.70)                                        
  7 Franz, Susan              SO GlenOak                        1:02.40  
                  28.26     1:02.40 (34.14)                                        
  8 Evans, Emily              SR Hoover                         1:02.54  
                  29.05     1:02.54 (33.49)                                        
  9 Jacobs, Abbey             JR GlenOak                        1:03.49  
                  30.22     1:03.49 (33.27)                                        
 10 Evans, Sarah              SO Hoover                         1:03.95  
                  30.59     1:03.95 (33.36)                                        
 11 Bodamer, Emily            SR Boardman                       1:04.65  
                  29.36     1:04.65 (35.29)                                        
 12 Herstine, Holly           SR Jackson                        1:04.69  
                  29.90     1:04.69 (34.79)                                        
 13 Kortis, Lena              SO Perry                          1:05.71  
                  30.56     1:05.71 (35.15)                                        
 14 Miller, Lauren            SO Wooster                        1:06.10  
                  30.56     1:06.10 (35.54)                                        
 15 Yu, Amy                   FR Louisville                     1:06.12  
                  30.36     1:06.12 (35.76)                                        
 16 Perry, Jillian            SR Wooster                        1:06.71  
                  29.39     1:06.71 (37.32)                                        
 17 O'Malley, Briana          SO Canfield                       1:07.59  
                  31.46     1:07.59 (36.13)                                        
 18 Stutz, Kelsie             FR Boardman                       1:07.82  
                  30.99     1:07.82 (36.83)                                        
 19 Thomas, Taylor            SO Jackson                        1:08.17  
                  31.76     1:08.17 (36.41)                                        
 20 Sutton, Dana              FR Jackson                        1:08.42  
                  31.09     1:08.42 (37.33)                                        
 21 Yu, Tina                  JR Louisville                     1:08.67  
                  31.86     1:08.67 (36.81)                                        
 22 Surratt, Lexi             SR Wadsworth                      1:08.69  
                  31.29     1:08.69 (37.40)                                        
 23 Canode, Mayu              FR Copley                         1:09.86  
                  33.16     1:09.86 (36.70)                                        
 24 Werth, Megan              SR Boardman                       1:09.97  
                  33.07     1:09.97 (36.90)                                        
 25 Dennis, Chelsea           FR Jackson                        1:10.47  
                  31.80     1:10.47 (38.67)                                        
 26 Tieche, Anna Marie        FR Wooster                        1:10.85  
                  32.78     1:10.85 (38.07)                                        
 26 Caye, Abby                JR Copley                         1:10.85  
                  33.53     1:10.85 (37.32)                                        
 28 Hernon, Brenna            JR Warren Harding                 1:11.47  
                  32.74     1:11.47 (38.73)                                        
 29 Brown, Caitlyn            SR Warren Harding                 1:11.61  
                  31.99     1:11.61 (39.62)                                        
 30 Kopinsky, Anna            SO Cloverleaf                     1:12.52  
                  32.96     1:12.52 (39.56)                                        
 31 Smith, Ashley             SO Louisville                     1:12.54  
                  33.83     1:12.54 (38.71)                                        
 32 Angeli, Thea              SO GlenOak                        1:13.16  
                  34.10     1:13.16 (39.06)                                        
 33 Collier, Brittany         FR Wooster                        1:14.98  
                  34.25     1:14.98 (40.73)                                        
 34 Kahler, Elizabeth         SO Perry                          1:15.28  
                  33.50     1:15.28 (41.78)                                        
 35 English, Hannah           SO McKinley                       1:16.63  
                  35.63     1:16.63 (41.00)                                        
 36 Renick, Allison           SO McKinley                       1:19.21  
                  36.58     1:19.21 (42.63)                                        
 37 Braswell, Lauren          JR Green                          1:22.79  
                  37.43     1:22.79 (45.36)                                        
 38 Lacourt, Maddy            FR Perry                          1:24.90  
                  37.73     1:24.90 (47.17)                                        
 39 Bradley, Haley            FR Louisville                     1:25.84  
                  39.81     1:25.84 (46.03)                                        
 40 Jansen, Hosanna           FR Wadsworth                      1:27.17  
                  40.97     1:27.17 (46.20)                                        
 41 Serbin, Paige             SR Wadsworth                      1:28.61  
                  39.34     1:28.61 (49.27)                                        
 42 D'Agostine, Mary          SO McKinley                       1:30.46  
                  41.52     1:30.46 (48.94)                                        
 43 Gillespie, Emily          FR Lake                           1:31.22  
                  41.30     1:31.22 (49.92)                                        
 44 Bacon, Lexi               JR Perry                          1:31.94  
                  40.81     1:31.94 (51.13)                                        
 45 Nicholas, Maddie          SO Wadsworth                      1:39.59  
                  43.90     1:39.59 (55.69)                                        
Event 7  Girls 100 Yard Freestyle
   Sectional: * 52.01        2011 Chase Kinney, JACKSON                        
    Name                    Year School                           Finals        
  1 Kinney, Chase             JR Jackson                          51.59* 
                  24.60       51.59 (26.99)                                        
  2 Acuna, Rebekah            JR Hoover                           53.98  
                  25.51       53.98 (28.47)                                        
  3 Brookens, Stephanie       SR Louisville                       54.68  
                  25.80       54.68 (28.88)                                        
  4 Manning, Colleen          JR Boardman                         55.84  
                  26.65       55.84 (29.19)                                        
  5 Herbert, Kennedy          SO Green                            55.85  
                  27.05       55.85 (28.80)                                        
  6 Evans, Anna               JR McKinley                         56.02  
                  26.31       56.02 (29.71)                                        
  7 Hilk, Jessica             SO Boardman                         56.21  
                  27.14       56.21 (29.07)                                        
  8 Surratt, Ellie            SO Wadsworth                        56.48  
                  27.11       56.48 (29.37)                                        
  9 Franz, Susan              SO GlenOak                          56.60  
                  27.09       56.60 (29.51)                                        
 10 Markovitch, Jordyn        SO Boardman                         57.32  
                  27.47       57.32 (29.85)                                        
 11 Minor, Gabby              FR Hoover                           57.44  
                  27.60       57.44 (29.84)                                        
 12 Jackson, Kelsey           SR Warren Harding                   57.57  
                  27.59       57.57 (29.98)                                        
 13 Richards, Lauren          SR Hoover                           57.67  
                  27.29       57.67 (30.38)                                        
 14 Wenger, Sydney            FR Wooster                          57.96  
                  27.08       57.96 (30.88)                                        
 15 Givins, Jessica           SR Perry                            58.32  
                  27.81       58.32 (30.51)                                        
 16 Jenkins, Haley            FR Green                            58.34  
                  27.63       58.34 (30.71)                                        
 17 Lilli, Cassie             SR Massillon                        58.87  
                  28.21       58.87 (30.66)                                        
 18 Heffernan, Madeline       SO GlenOak                          59.08  
                  28.28       59.08 (30.80)                                        
 19 Vozar, Tianna             FR McKinley                         59.20  
                  28.10       59.20 (31.10)                                        
 20 Brejnak, Brittany         SO Lake                             59.39  
                  28.06       59.39 (31.33)                                        
 21 Cornelius, Rebecca        FR Wooster                          59.48  
                  28.04       59.48 (31.44)                                        
 22 Julian, Stephanie         SR Jackson                          59.82  
                  28.42       59.82 (31.40)                                        
 23 Moss, Amanda              FR Boardman                         59.88  
                  28.50       59.88 (31.38)                                        
 24 Hahn, Emily               SR Jackson                        1:00.17  
                  28.24     1:00.17 (31.93)                                        
 25 Sutton, Natasha           SO Perry                          1:00.26  
                  29.00     1:00.26 (31.26)                                        
 26 Rodriguez, Gabriella      SO Copley                         1:00.35  
                  28.89     1:00.35 (31.46)                                        
 27 Karlock, Abbey            FR Canfield                       1:00.84  
                  28.68     1:00.84 (32.16)                                        
 28 Hernon, Cara              FR Warren Harding                 1:00.98  
                  29.55     1:00.98 (31.43)                                        
 29 Wiseman, Taylor           SO Jackson                        1:01.10  
                  29.05     1:01.10 (32.05)                                        
 30 Whitman, Mariah           JR Wooster                        1:01.54  
                  29.87     1:01.54 (31.67)                                        
 31 Young, Taylor             SO Massillon                      1:01.68  
                  29.90     1:01.68 (31.78)                                        
 32 Morris, Rachel            JR Louisville                     1:01.72  
                  29.40     1:01.72 (32.32)                                        
 33 Ries, Hunter              JR Lake                           1:01.81  
                  29.69     1:01.81 (32.12)                                        
 34 Nist, Sara                SR Hoover                         1:01.87  
                  29.80     1:01.87 (32.07)                                        
 35 Godwin, Angela            SO Louisville                     1:01.90  
                  29.47     1:01.90 (32.43)                                        
 36 Jordan, Janelle           FR Cloverleaf                     1:02.19  
                  30.11     1:02.19 (32.08)                                        
 37 Furlow, Abigal            SO McKinley                       1:03.19  
                  30.75     1:03.19 (32.44)                                        
 38 Klein, Rebecca            SO Massillon                      1:03.21  
                  29.56     1:03.21 (33.65)                                        
 39 Elrod, Taylor             SO Green                          1:03.44  
                  30.86     1:03.44 (32.58)                                        
 40 Zernechel, Morgan         SR GlenOak                        1:03.76  
                  30.39     1:03.76 (33.37)                                        
 41 Blakeman, Amanda          SR GlenOak                        1:04.08  
                  30.73     1:04.08 (33.35)                                        
 42 Hernon, Brenna            JR Warren Harding                 1:04.62  
                  30.97     1:04.62 (33.65)                                        
 43 Talley, Mary Jo           JR Copley                         1:04.90  
                  31.07     1:04.90 (33.83)                                        
 44 Runser, Katie             SR Massillon                      1:05.12  
                  30.40     1:05.12 (34.72)                                        
 45 Knutty, Destany           SO Perry                          1:05.55  
                  30.59     1:05.55 (34.96)                                        
 46 Kennedy, Haley            SR Warren Harding                 1:05.74  
                  31.51     1:05.74 (34.23)                                        
 47 Bailey, Britteny          SR Green                          1:06.12  
                  31.45     1:06.12 (34.67)                                        
 48 Easterling, Mollie        FR Cloverleaf                     1:06.76  
                  32.52     1:06.76 (34.24)                                        
 49 Burch, Tiara              SO McKinley                       1:06.88  
                  32.22     1:06.88 (34.66)                                        
 50 Szukaitis, Allison        FR Wooster                        1:07.41  
                  31.99     1:07.41 (35.42)                                        
 51 Gonda, Audre              SO Louisville                     1:08.33  
                  31.23     1:08.33 (37.10)                                        
 52 Shimko, Emma              FR Cloverleaf                     1:08.48  
                  32.86     1:08.48 (35.62)                                        
 53 Haramis, Tessa            SR Copley                         1:08.63  
                  32.37     1:08.63 (36.26)                                        
 54 Dixon, Ashley             JR Lake                           1:08.71  
                  32.67     1:08.71 (36.04)                                        
 55 Reed, Audrey              FR Canfield                       1:09.77  
                  33.09     1:09.77 (36.68)                                        
 56 Lee, Carolyn              FR Wadsworth                      1:10.07  
                  33.33     1:10.07 (36.74)                                        
 57 Barnett, Trisha           SO Perry                          1:10.45  
                  32.76     1:10.45 (37.69)                                        
 58 Smith, Haley              FR Wadsworth                      1:10.85  
                  34.32     1:10.85 (36.53)                                        
 59 Teeter, Emmaly            FR Wadsworth                      1:13.94  
                  36.02     1:13.94 (37.92)                                        
 60 Pope, Lydia               FR Lake                           1:15.05  
                  35.66     1:15.05 (39.39)                                        
 61 Cox, Mackenzie            JR Copley                         1:18.51  
                  36.21     1:18.51 (42.30)                                        
 62 Weaver, Alexa             SO Canfield                       1:19.77  
                  38.66     1:19.77 (41.11)                                        
 63 Fernwalt, Hisako          JR Barberton                      1:22.33  
                  37.87     1:22.33 (44.46)                                        
Event 8  Girls 500 Yard Freestyle
   Sectional: * 5:06.63        2002 Beth Yeakel, GlenOak                       
    Name                    Year School                           Finals        
  1 James, Molly              SR GlenOak                        5:22.66  
                  28.64     1:00.07 (31.43)     1:32.25 (32.18)     2:04.72 (32.47)
        2:37.04 (32.32)     3:09.62 (32.58)     3:42.35 (32.73)     4:15.64 (33.29)
        4:49.18 (33.54)     5:22.66 (33.48)                                        
  2 Buckley, Marissa          JR McKinley                       5:27.69  
                  28.69       59.96 (31.27)     1:32.66 (32.70)     2:05.35 (32.69)
        2:38.27 (32.92)     3:11.76 (33.49)     3:45.96 (34.20)     4:19.53 (33.57)
        4:54.17 (34.64)     5:27.69 (33.52)                                        
  3 Allen, Mallory            SO Canfield                       5:28.24  
                  29.49     1:02.05 (32.56)     1:35.35 (33.30)     2:09.30 (33.95)
        2:42.86 (33.56)     3:16.78 (33.92)     3:49.91 (33.13)     4:23.35 (33.44)
        4:56.49 (33.14)     5:28.24 (31.75)                                        
  4 Loughner, Haley           FR Jackson                        5:32.57  
                  29.49     1:01.78 (32.29)     1:34.49 (32.71)     2:07.94 (33.45)
        2:41.94 (34.00)     3:16.24 (34.30)     3:50.29 (34.05)     4:24.76 (34.47)
        4:59.08 (34.32)     5:32.57 (33.49)                                        
  5 Evans, Emily              SR Hoover                         5:33.08  
                  28.99     1:01.86 (32.87)     1:35.23 (33.37)     2:09.52 (34.29)
        2:43.56 (34.04)     3:17.69 (34.13)     3:51.79 (34.10)     4:25.94 (34.15)
        4:59.92 (33.98)     5:33.08 (33.16)                                        
  6 Perretta, Carlie          FR Perry                          5:35.24  
                  30.28     1:03.85 (33.57)     1:38.23 (34.38)     2:12.54 (34.31)
        2:47.09 (34.55)     3:21.21 (34.12)     3:55.49 (34.28)     4:29.60 (34.11)
        5:03.18 (33.58)     5:35.24 (32.06)                                        
  7 Perry, Alyson             SR McKinley                       5:36.68  
                  30.04     1:02.83 (32.79)     1:36.19 (33.36)     2:10.28 (34.09)
        2:44.34 (34.06)     3:18.89 (34.55)     3:53.79 (34.90)     4:28.81 (35.02)
        5:03.46 (34.65)     5:36.68 (33.22)                                        
  8 Amstutz, Allison          FR Wooster                        5:37.09  
                  31.22     1:05.28 (34.06)     1:39.92 (34.64)     2:14.45 (34.53)
        2:49.20 (34.75)     3:23.33 (34.13)     3:58.03 (34.70)     4:32.60 (34.57)
        5:05.94 (33.34)     5:37.09 (31.15)                                        
  9 Lammlein, Lauren          SR Hoover                         5:40.01  
                  29.34     1:02.32 (32.98)     1:36.32 (34.00)     2:10.90 (34.58)
        2:45.75 (34.85)     3:20.67 (34.92)     3:55.92 (35.25)     4:30.87 (34.95)
        5:05.91 (35.04)     5:40.01 (34.10)                                        
 10 McMichael, Lindsay        FR Wooster                        5:40.91  
                  30.77     1:04.10 (33.33)     1:38.29 (34.19)     2:13.09 (34.80)
        2:47.54 (34.45)     3:22.57 (35.03)     3:57.55 (34.98)     4:32.55 (35.00)
        5:07.00 (34.45)     5:40.91 (33.91)                                        
 11 Stafford, Kim             SO Wadsworth                      5:44.11  
                  30.42     1:03.95 (33.53)     1:38.26 (34.31)     2:13.25 (34.99)
        2:48.61 (35.36)     3:23.76 (35.15)     3:59.69 (35.93)     4:35.22 (35.53)
        5:10.67 (35.45)     5:44.11 (33.44)                                        
 12 Kussow, Katie             SO Green                          5:48.84  
                  31.89     1:06.51 (34.62)     1:41.57 (35.06)     2:17.41 (35.84)
        2:53.00 (35.59)     3:29.05 (36.05)     4:04.18 (35.13)     4:39.99 (35.81)
        5:14.89 (34.90)     5:48.84 (33.95)                                        
 13 Lyall, Abby               SO Jackson                        5:50.18  
                  30.89     1:04.79 (33.90)     1:39.65 (34.86)     2:15.32 (35.67)
        2:51.20 (35.88)     3:27.32 (36.12)     4:03.59 (36.27)     4:39.90 (36.31)
        5:15.93 (36.03)     5:50.18 (34.25)                                        
 14 Davis, Leslie             JR Canfield                       5:52.01  
                  31.23     1:06.94 (35.71)     1:42.50 (35.56)     2:18.32 (35.82)
        2:54.72 (36.40)     3:30.37 (35.65)     4:06.84 (36.47)     4:42.26 (35.42)
        5:18.79 (36.53)     5:52.01 (33.22)                                        
 15 Cornelius, Elise          FR Jackson                        5:54.59  
                  31.13     1:05.19 (34.06)     1:40.64 (35.45)     2:16.78 (36.14)
        2:53.19 (36.41)     3:29.64 (36.45)     4:06.73 (37.09)     4:43.53 (36.80)
        5:20.37 (36.84)     5:54.59 (34.22)                                        
 16 Grasse, Taylor            SR McKinley                       5:58.01  
                  30.38     1:05.53 (35.15)     1:41.45 (35.92)     2:17.97 (36.52)
        2:54.43 (36.46)     3:31.42 (36.99)     4:08.20 (36.78)     4:45.94 (37.74)
        5:23.04 (37.10)     5:58.01 (34.97)                                        
 17 Zuniga, Katie             FR Perry                          5:59.57  
                  33.20     1:09.21 (36.01)     1:46.05 (36.84)     2:23.54 (37.49)
        3:00.49 (36.95)     3:37.74 (37.25)     4:14.40 (36.66)     4:50.36 (35.96)
        5:26.14 (35.78)     5:59.57 (33.43)                                        
 18 Howell, Alexis            SR Green                          6:00.65  
                  30.96     1:06.40 (35.44)     1:43.34 (36.94)     2:20.23 (36.89)
        2:57.35 (37.12)     3:35.23 (37.88)     4:12.46 (37.23)     4:49.59 (37.13)
        5:26.24 (36.65)     6:00.65 (34.41)                                        
 19 Bailey, Sydney            FR Copley                         6:05.12  
                  32.37     1:08.75 (36.38)     1:46.18 (37.43)     2:23.52 (37.34)
        3:01.01 (37.49)     3:38.80 (37.79)     4:16.37 (37.57)     4:53.78 (37.41)
        5:30.90 (37.12)     6:05.12 (34.22)                                        
 20 McMichael, Kylie          JR Wooster                        6:05.33  
                  33.02     1:09.28 (36.26)     1:46.81 (37.53)     2:23.95 (37.14)
        3:01.23 (37.28)     3:38.72 (37.49)     4:16.59 (37.87)     4:53.48 (36.89)
        5:30.35 (36.87)     6:05.33 (34.98)                                        
 21 Leipensberger, Megan      SO Green                          6:06.01  
                  33.25     1:09.97 (36.72)     1:46.66 (36.69)     2:23.65 (36.99)
        3:00.69 (37.04)     3:37.92 (37.23)     4:15.54 (37.62)     4:53.44 (37.90)
        5:30.67 (37.23)     6:06.01 (35.34)                                        
 22 Scott, Liz                SO Perry                          6:09.90  
                  32.60     1:09.23 (36.63)     1:46.76 (37.53)     2:25.03 (38.27)
        3:02.92 (37.89)     3:40.71 (37.79)     4:19.33 (38.62)     4:57.38 (38.05)
        5:34.55 (37.17)     6:09.90 (35.35)                                        
 23 Kirsch, Jordan            FR GlenOak                        6:11.70  
                  33.21     1:09.90 (36.69)     1:47.00 (37.10)     2:24.80 (37.80)
        3:02.49 (37.69)     3:39.93 (37.44)     4:18.47 (38.54)     4:57.50 (39.03)
        5:34.81 (37.31)     6:11.70 (36.89)                                        
 24 Tolson, Sarah             FR Hoover                         6:13.60  
                  34.00     1:10.94 (36.94)     1:49.41 (38.47)     2:28.37 (38.96)
        3:06.96 (38.59)     3:45.47 (38.51)     4:23.96 (38.49)     5:01.86 (37.90)
        5:39.66 (37.80)     6:13.60 (33.94)                                        
 25 Lewis, Julia              FR Boardman                       6:13.62  
                  32.89     1:09.23 (36.34)     1:46.71 (37.48)     2:24.99 (38.28)
        3:03.43 (38.44)     3:42.24 (38.81)     4:20.84 (38.60)     4:59.32 (38.48)
        5:37.38 (38.06)     6:13.62 (36.24)                                        
 26 Loomis, Erin              JR Canfield                       6:14.67  
                  34.46     1:12.10 (37.64)     1:50.03 (37.93)     2:28.11 (38.08)
        3:06.61 (38.50)     3:44.19 (37.58)     4:21.78 (37.59)     5:00.12 (38.34)
        5:37.91 (37.79)     6:14.67 (36.76)                                        
 27 Farber, Taylor            JR Copley                         6:18.16  
                  33.21     1:09.32 (36.11)     1:47.30 (37.98)     2:26.23 (38.93)
        3:05.14 (38.91)     3:43.80 (38.66)     4:22.45 (38.65)     5:01.37 (38.92)
        5:40.48 (39.11)     6:18.16 (37.68)                                        
 28 Varner, Tatianna          SO Louisville                     6:25.78  
                  31.97     1:09.02 (37.05)     1:47.75 (38.73)     2:25.87 (38.12)
        3:04.99 (39.12)     3:44.46 (39.47)     4:24.53 (40.07)     5:05.29 (40.76)
        5:46.03 (40.74)     6:25.78 (39.75)                                        
 29 Plazek, Tessa             JR Cloverleaf                     6:25.86  
                  33.32     1:10.12 (36.80)     1:47.74 (37.62)     2:26.58 (38.84)
        3:06.59 (40.01)     3:46.78 (40.19)     4:26.96 (40.18)     5:07.65 (40.69)
        5:47.70 (40.05)     6:25.86 (38.16)                                        
 30 Gunn, Ashley              SO Lake                           6:26.37  
                  33.77     1:11.10 (37.33)     1:50.19 (39.09)     2:30.46 (40.27)
        3:09.90 (39.44)     3:50.05 (40.15)     4:30.41 (40.36)     5:10.66 (40.25)
        5:50.42 (39.76)     6:26.37 (35.95)                                        
 31 Mickley, Lisa             SR Jackson                        6:26.72  
                  33.08     1:10.46 (37.38)     1:48.66 (38.20)     2:27.42 (38.76)
        3:06.67 (39.25)     3:46.54 (39.87)     4:26.87 (40.33)     5:07.66 (40.79)
        5:48.08 (40.42)     6:26.72 (38.64)                                        
 32 Carafelli, Victoria       JR McKinley                       6:28.21  
                  33.25     1:11.19 (37.94)     1:50.44 (39.25)     2:30.21 (39.77)
        3:10.26 (40.05)     3:50.03 (39.77)     4:30.12 (40.09)     5:10.73 (40.61)
        5:50.59 (39.86)     6:28.21 (37.62)                                        
 33 Monter, Hannah            SR Louisville                     6:31.01  
                  35.30     1:14.13 (38.83)     1:53.60 (39.47)     2:33.50 (39.90)
        3:13.66 (40.16)     3:53.39 (39.73)     4:33.54 (40.15)     5:13.99 (40.45)
        5:53.38 (39.39)     6:31.01 (37.63)                                        
 34 Lopez, Mikaela            SR Hoover                         6:34.63  
                  33.15     1:10.64 (37.49)     1:50.05 (39.41)     2:30.39 (40.34)
        3:11.05 (40.66)     3:51.49 (40.44)     4:33.03 (41.54)     5:15.16 (42.13)
        5:56.84 (41.68)     6:34.63 (37.79)                                        
 35 Lacourt, Maddy            FR Perry                          6:34.89  
                  34.57     1:13.73 (39.16)     1:53.79 (40.06)     2:33.62 (39.83)
        3:13.71 (40.09)     3:54.19 (40.48)     4:34.93 (40.74)     5:16.35 (41.42)
        5:56.91 (40.56)     6:34.89 (37.98)                                        
 36 Holmes, Alexandia         JR Wooster                        6:35.13  
                  35.63     1:14.84 (39.21)     1:55.79 (40.95)     2:36.72 (40.93)
        3:17.24 (40.52)     3:57.08 (39.84)     4:37.20 (40.12)     5:17.00 (39.80)
        5:56.63 (39.63)     6:35.13 (38.50)                                        
 37 Azeem, Nabila             SR Boardman                       6:44.07  
                  34.28     1:12.58 (38.30)     1:52.78 (40.20)     2:34.00 (41.22)
        3:15.57 (41.57)     3:57.34 (41.77)     4:39.45 (42.11)     5:21.34 (41.89)
        6:03.57 (42.23)     6:44.07 (40.50)                                        
 38 Harris, Mariah            JR Massillon                      6:45.61  
                  34.45     1:13.21 (38.76)     1:54.35 (41.14)     2:35.75 (41.40)
        3:17.37 (41.62)     3:58.95 (41.58)     4:40.74 (41.79)     5:23.00 (42.26)
        6:04.89 (41.89)     6:45.61 (40.72)                                        
 39 Miller, Kayla             JR Wadsworth                      6:47.10  
                  33.43     1:11.15 (37.72)     1:51.09 (39.94)     2:32.44 (41.35)
        3:15.00 (42.56)     3:57.74 (42.74)     4:40.58 (42.84)     5:23.79 (43.21)
        6:06.58 (42.79)     6:47.10 (40.52)                                        
 40 Loomis, Kerra             FR Canfield                       6:51.24  
                  35.23     1:16.04 (40.81)     1:58.80 (42.76)     2:40.57 (41.77)
        3:23.30 (42.73)     4:06.18 (42.88)     4:48.95 (42.77)     5:31.24 (42.29)
        6:13.49 (42.25)     6:51.24 (37.75)                                        
 41 Johnston, Nicole          SR Boardman                       6:52.72  
                  34.52     1:12.97 (38.45)     1:54.97 (42.00)     2:38.71 (43.74)
        3:21.70 (42.99)     4:04.60 (42.90)     4:47.56 (42.96)     5:30.54 (42.98)
        6:13.21 (42.67)     6:52.72 (39.51)                                        
 42 Baughman, Samantha        JR Wadsworth                      6:55.63  
                  32.08     1:09.00 (36.92)     1:48.98 (39.98)     2:31.23 (42.25)
        3:14.37 (43.14)     3:59.04 (44.67)     4:44.30 (45.26)     5:28.46 (44.16)
        6:12.56 (44.10)     6:55.63 (43.07)                                        
 43 Metzger, Mary             JR Louisville                     7:00.20  
                  36.78     1:17.36 (40.58)     1:59.15 (41.79)     2:41.69 (42.54)
        3:24.21 (42.52)     4:07.27 (43.06)     4:51.39 (44.12)     5:35.22 (43.83)
        6:18.29 (43.07)     7:00.20 (41.91)                                        
 44 Koehl, Abigail            SO Lake                           7:04.48  
                                1:15.25 ( )   7:04.48 (5:49.23)                    
 45 Parillo, Jessica          FR Boardman                       7:15.22  
                  35.48     1:15.57 (40.09)     1:58.02 (42.45)     2:42.95 (44.93)
        3:33.33 (50.38)     4:19.73 (46.40)     5:04.46 (44.73)     5:50.01 (45.55)
        6:34.43 (44.42)     7:15.22 (40.79)                                        
 46 Jones, Arianna            JR Wadsworth                      8:10.25  
                                                    2:19.24 ( )   4:01.25 (1:42.01)
                                                    5:42.38 ( )     6:31.83 (49.45)
        7:22.18 (50.35)     8:10.25 (48.07)                                        
Event 9  Girls 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
   Sectional: * 1:39.11        2011 MASSILLON JACKSON, JACKSON                 
                         E Graeff, L Ellis, A Tan, C Kinney                
    School                                                        Finals        
  1 North Canton Hoover  'A'                                    1:40.40  
     1) Nist, Lauren SO                 2) Schliffka, Elise SR            
     3) Evans, Emily SR                 4) Acuna, Rebekah JR              
                  25.50       50.58 (25.08)     1:16.30 (25.72)     1:40.40 (24.10)
  2 Massillon Jackson  'A'                                      1:40.51  
     1) Graeff, Elizabeth SO            2) Tondra, Krystin JR             
     3) Wiseman, Taylor SO              4) Kinney, Chase JR               
                  24.95       51.44 (26.49)     1:17.74 (26.30)     1:40.51 (22.77)
  3 Copley  'A'                                                 1:42.39  
     1) Round, Emma FR                  2) Prifti, Brenda FR              
     3) Rodriguez, Gabriella SO         4) Myers, Madison FR              
                  26.79       51.61 (24.82)     1:17.90 (26.29)     1:42.39 (24.49)
  4 Youngstown Boardman  'A'                                    1:44.22  
     1) Markovitch, Jordyn SO           2) Hilk, Jessica SO               
     3) Bodamer, Emily SR               4) Manning, Colleen JR            
                  26.78       52.49 (25.71)     1:18.57 (26.08)     1:44.22 (25.65)
  5 Canton McKinley  'A'                                        1:44.36  
     1) Vozar, Tianna FR                2) Buckley, Marissa JR            
     3) Perry, Alyson SR                4) Evans, Anna JR                 
                  27.01       52.77 (25.76)     1:19.21 (26.44)     1:44.36 (25.15)
  6 Glenoak  'A'                                                1:44.40  
     1) McGhee, Rachel JR               2) Evans, Madison JR              
     3) Jacobs, Abbey JR                4) Franz, Susan SO                
                  26.48       51.98 (25.50)     1:18.62 (26.64)     1:44.40 (25.78)
  7 Warren G. Harding  'A'                                      1:44.50  
     1) Thirion, Alli SR                2) Hernon, Cara FR                
     3) Jackson, Kelsey SR              4) Thirion, Emily FR              
                  26.12       53.54 (27.42)     1:19.83 (26.29)     1:44.50 (24.67)
  8 Green High School  'A'                                      1:47.26  
     1) Douglas, Colleen SR             2) Merrill, Autumnn JR            
     3) Jenkins, Haley FR               4) Hickman, Hope SR               
                  27.68       54.04 (26.36)     1:21.47 (27.43)     1:47.26 (25.79)
  9 Wadsworth  'A'                                              1:48.30  
     1) Cavanaugh, McKay JR             2) Stafford, Kim SO               
     3) Surratt, Lexi SR                4) Surratt, Ellie SO              
                  28.98       56.23 (27.25)     1:23.09 (26.86)     1:48.30 (25.21)
 10 Massillon Perry High School  'A'                            1:48.51  
     1) Kortis, Lena SO                 2) Zuniga, Katie FR               
     3) Givins, Jessica SR              4) Sutton, Natasha SO             
                  27.31       55.24 (27.93)     1:21.05 (25.81)     1:48.51 (27.46)
 11 Canfield High School  'A'                                   1:48.72  
     1) Wellham, Jamie SO               2) Karlock, Abbey FR              
     3) Davis, Leslie JR                4) O'Malley, Briana SO            
                  27.13       54.94 (27.81)     1:21.88 (26.94)     1:48.72 (26.84)
 12 Louisville High School  'A'                                 1:53.80  
     1) Brookens, Ashley SO             2) Morris, Rachel JR              
     3) Yu, Tina JR                     4) Godwin, Angela SO              
                  28.58       56.99 (28.41)     1:25.98 (28.99)     1:53.80 (27.82)
 13 Uniontown Lake  'A'                                         1:55.30  
     1) Dutton, Alexandra FR            2) Ries, Hunter JR                
     3) Gunn, Ashley SO                 4) Brejnak, Brittany SO           
                  30.03       58.22 (28.19)     1:28.89 (30.67)     1:55.30 (26.41)
 14 Massillon High School  'A'                                  1:58.16  
     1) Harris, Mariah JR               2) Klein, Rebecca SO              
     3) Runser, Katie SR                4) Klein, Priscila JR             
                  32.21     1:00.79 (28.58)     1:29.79 (29.00)     1:58.16 (28.37)
 15 Cloverleaf High School  'A'                                 2:01.82  
     1) Easterling, Mollie FR           2) Han, Elizabeth JR              
     3) Chudzinski, Emily JR            4) Plazek, Tessa JR               
                  30.62     1:01.57 (30.95)     1:31.37 (29.80)     2:01.82 (30.45)
 -- Barberton High School  'A'                                       DQ  
     1) Frazee, Sarah JR                2) Nicholson, Valerie JR          
     3) Fernwalt, Hisako JR             4) Krajcovic, Rachael FR          
                  28.72     1:01.57 (32.85)     1:36.36 (34.79)          DQ (30.56)
 -- Wooster High School  'A'                                         DQ  
     1) Wenger, Sydney FR               2) Perry, Jillian SR              
     3) Persinger, Katelyn SR           4) Sibilia, Gabrielle SO          
                  26.25       52.15 (25.90)     1:17.68 (25.53)          DQ (24.98)
Event 10  Girls 100 Yard Backstroke
   Sectional: * 58.96        2004 Whitney Hooley, Wooster                      
    Name                    Year School                           Finals        
  1 Ferguson, Addy            SR Cloverleaf                       58.04* 
                  28.28       58.04 (29.76)                                        
  2 Myers, Madison            FR Copley                           58.72* 
                  28.65       58.72 (30.07)                                        
  3 Graeff, Elizabeth         SO Jackson                          59.94  
                  28.78       59.94 (31.16)                                        
  4 Heaven, Sarah             FR Canfield                       1:01.34  
                  29.64     1:01.34 (31.70)                                        
  5 Thirion, Alli             SR Warren Harding                 1:01.81  
                  30.60     1:01.81 (31.21)                                        
  6 Hamit, Alex               SR Perry                          1:01.82  
                  29.27     1:01.82 (32.55)                                        
  7 Richards, Lauren          SR Hoover                         1:02.25  
                  29.97     1:02.25 (32.28)                                        
  8 Hilk, Jessica             SO Boardman                       1:02.92  
                  30.95     1:02.92 (31.97)                                        
  9 Beam, Olivia              JR Hoover                         1:03.31  
                  30.10     1:03.31 (33.21)                                        
 10 DeAscentis, Gaby          JR Boardman                       1:03.71  
                  30.39     1:03.71 (33.32)                                        
 11 Gonda, Sarah              FR Boardman                       1:04.55  
                  31.30     1:04.55 (33.25)                                        
 12 Herstine, Holly           SR Jackson                        1:04.60  
                  31.43     1:04.60 (33.17)                                        
 13 Mullens, Maggie           SO Hoover                         1:05.26  
                  30.82     1:05.26 (34.44)                                        
 14 Pallotta, Alexandria      SO Jackson                        1:05.44  
                  32.28     1:05.44 (33.16)                                        
 15 Douglas, Colleen          SR Green                          1:05.92  
                  31.60     1:05.92 (34.32)                                        
 16 Lilli, Cassie             SR Massillon                      1:06.04  
                  31.85     1:06.04 (34.19)                                        
 17 Jenkins, Haley            FR Green                          1:06.32  
                  32.29     1:06.32 (34.03)                                        
 18 Julian, Stephanie         SR Jackson                        1:06.58  
                  32.23     1:06.58 (34.35)                                        
 19 Gingery, Madison          SO Wooster                        1:07.97  
                  33.11     1:07.97 (34.86)                                        
 20 Karlock, Abbey            FR Canfield                       1:08.23  
                  32.92     1:08.23 (35.31)                                        
 21 Fernandez, Marisa         SO Hoover                         1:09.00  
                  32.89     1:09.00 (36.11)                                        
 22 Howell, Alexis            SR Green                          1:09.32  
                  34.21     1:09.32 (35.11)                                        
 23 McGhee, Rachel            JR GlenOak                        1:09.76  
                  33.17     1:09.76 (36.59)                                        
 24 Wellham, Jamie            SO Canfield                       1:09.90  
                  33.10     1:09.90 (36.80)                                        
 25 Azeem, Noura              SO Boardman                       1:10.17  
                  34.39     1:10.17 (35.78)                                        
 26 Rodenbaugh, Taylor        SR Canfield                       1:10.20  
                  34.76     1:10.20 (35.44)                                        
 27 Frazee, Sarah             JR Barberton                      1:11.39  
                  34.94     1:11.39 (36.45)                                        
 28 Cavanaugh, McKay          JR Wadsworth                      1:11.42  
                  34.54     1:11.42 (36.88)                                        
 29 Dutton, Alexandra         FR Lake                           1:11.61  
                  35.13     1:11.61 (36.48)                                        
 30 Grunder, Anna             FR GlenOak                        1:12.14  
                  34.67     1:12.14 (37.47)                                        
 31 Klein, Rebecca            SO Massillon                      1:12.30  
                  35.41     1:12.30 (36.89)                                        
 32 Spehar, Stephanie         SR Louisville                     1:12.51  
                  34.62     1:12.51 (37.89)                                        
 33 Angeli, Thea              SO GlenOak                        1:13.01  
                  34.44     1:13.01 (38.57)                                        
 34 Haramis, Tessa            SR Copley                         1:13.14  
                  35.32     1:13.14 (37.82)                                        
 35 Pittard, Rebecca          JR Wooster                        1:13.30  
                  34.14     1:13.30 (39.16)                                        
 36 Moodispaw, Margaret       JR Wooster                        1:14.16  
                  35.38     1:14.16 (38.78)                                        
 37 Isla, Taylor              SO McKinley                       1:14.80  
                  36.03     1:14.80 (38.77)                                        
 38 Jansen, Erin              JR Wadsworth                      1:15.41  
                  37.33     1:15.41 (38.08)                                        
 39 Varner, Tatianna          SO Louisville                     1:15.57  
                  36.45     1:15.57 (39.12)                                        
 40 Whitman, Mariah           JR Wooster                        1:15.62  
                  37.78     1:15.62 (37.84)                                        
 41 Briggs, Marissa           SO Perry                          1:17.93  
                  36.99     1:17.93 (40.94)                                        
 42 Abate, Hannah             SO Lake                           1:18.78  
                  38.24     1:18.78 (40.54)                                        
 43 Burch, Tiara              SO McKinley                       1:19.42  
                  38.75     1:19.42 (40.67)                                        
 44 Hull, Hannah              SO Louisville                     1:19.81  
                  40.18     1:19.81 (39.63)                                        
 45 Spicocchi, Taylor         SO Massillon                      1:20.23  
                  38.94     1:20.23 (41.29)                                        
 46 Hobson, Sydney            JR McKinley                       1:20.48  
                  36.80     1:20.48 (43.68)                                        
 47 Woods, Olivia             FR Warren Harding                 1:21.38  
                  39.98     1:21.38 (41.40)                                        
 48 Ryan, Jenni               FR Louisville                     1:22.86  
                  40.15     1:22.86 (42.71)                                        
 49 Fowler, Rachel            FR Warren Harding                 1:26.93  
                  42.63     1:26.93 (44.30)                                        
 50 Grossi, Bella             FR Perry                          1:30.21  
 51 Bacon, Lexi               JR Perry                          1:32.28  
 52 Diaz, Amanda              SR Barberton                      1:32.30  
                  44.61     1:32.30 (47.69)                                        
 53 Petit, Isabella           FR Massillon                      1:35.75  
 54 Teeter, Emmaly            FR Wadsworth                      1:37.90  
 55 Magons, Corinne           FR Wadsworth                      1:42.14  
                  49.70     1:42.14 (52.44)                                        
Event 11  Girls 100 Yard Breaststroke
   Sectional: * 1:06.21        2011 Ashley Aldan, Boardman                     
    Name                    Year School                           Finals        
  1 Thirion, Emily            FR Warren Harding                 1:08.07  
                  31.68     1:08.07 (36.39)                                        
  2 Perretta, Carlie          FR Perry                          1:08.48  
                  32.74     1:08.48 (35.74)                                        
  3 Bailey, Brooke            FR Boardman                       1:09.63  
                  32.71     1:09.63 (36.92)                                        
  4 Cornelius, Emily          JR Wooster                        1:10.22  
                  33.30     1:10.22 (36.92)                                        
  5 Horton, Stephanie         SR Louisville                     1:10.64  
                  33.57     1:10.64 (37.07)                                        
  6 Hickey, Meghan            SR Massillon                      1:10.71  
                  33.05     1:10.71 (37.66)                                        
  7 Herbert, Kennedy          SO Green                          1:10.77  
                  33.14     1:10.77 (37.63)                                        
  8 Williamson, Olivia        SO Canfield                       1:11.18  
                  33.03     1:11.18 (38.15)                                        
  9 Marino, Emily             SR Perry                          1:11.99  
                  34.40     1:11.99 (37.59)                                        
 10 Evans, Madison            JR GlenOak                        1:13.02  
                  33.50     1:13.02 (39.52)                                        
 11 Deevers, Amanda           SR Green                          1:13.32  
                  34.82     1:13.32 (38.50)                                        
 12 Miller, Lauren            SO Wooster                        1:13.41  
                  34.28     1:13.41 (39.13)                                        
 13 Tooley, Danielle          SR Wooster                        1:13.92  
                  34.87     1:13.92 (39.05)                                        
 14 Swanson, Jessie           SR Lake                           1:13.93  
                  33.38     1:13.93 (40.55)                                        
 15 Schliffka, Elise          SR Hoover                         1:14.45  
                  34.17     1:14.45 (40.28)                                        
 16 Merrill, Autumnn          JR Green                          1:14.56  
                  35.28     1:14.56 (39.28)                                        
 17 Motts, Jessie             SR GlenOak                        1:14.65  
                  34.47     1:14.65 (40.18)                                        
 18 Aston, Kimberlee          SO Hoover                         1:15.64  
                  35.22     1:15.64 (40.42)                                        
 19 Round, Emma               FR Copley                         1:16.34  
                  36.29     1:16.34 (40.05)                                        
 20 James, Clare              FR GlenOak                        1:17.14  
                  36.32     1:17.14 (40.82)                                        
 21 Stutz, Kelsie             FR Boardman                       1:17.33  
                  36.83     1:17.33 (40.50)                                        
 22 Cornelius, Rebecca        FR Wooster                        1:17.55  
                  36.53     1:17.55 (41.02)                                        
 23 Schwanemann, Aileen       JR Warren Harding                 1:18.12  
                  37.59     1:18.12 (40.53)                                        
 24 Metzger, Ali              FR Jackson                        1:18.56  
                  36.09     1:18.56 (42.47)                                        
 25 Risher, Mya               FR GlenOak                        1:18.73  
                  37.48     1:18.73 (41.25)                                        
 26 Snyder, Alyssa            SO Hoover                         1:18.89  
                  37.16     1:18.89 (41.73)                                        
 27 Blice, Hannah             FR Copley                         1:19.10  
                  37.36     1:19.10 (41.74)                                        
 28 Santelle, Taylor          JR Jackson                        1:19.25  
                  37.08     1:19.25 (42.17)                                        
 29 Knutty, Destany           SO Perry                          1:19.63  
                  37.34     1:19.63 (42.29)                                        
 30 Hahn, Emily               SR Jackson                        1:19.77  
                  36.66     1:19.77 (43.11)                                        
 31 Smith, Ashley             SO Louisville                     1:20.30  
                  37.62     1:20.30 (42.68)                                        
 32 Tondra, Krystin           JR Jackson                        1:21.16  
                  37.49     1:21.16 (43.67)                                        
 33 Sunkle, Chancelor         FR Massillon                      1:21.87  
                  39.09     1:21.87 (42.78)                                        
 34 Klein, Priscila           JR Massillon                      1:21.94  
                  37.28     1:21.94 (44.66)                                        
 35 Brookens, Ashley          SO Louisville                     1:22.00  
                  38.03     1:22.00 (43.97)                                        
 36 Chudzinski, Emily         JR Cloverleaf                     1:22.24  
                  38.76     1:22.24 (43.48)                                        
 37 Caye, Abby                JR Copley                         1:23.96  
                  40.17     1:23.96 (43.79)                                        
 38 Braman, Kelsey            FR Copley                         1:24.08  
                  40.16     1:24.08 (43.92)                                        
 39 Han, Elizabeth            JR Cloverleaf                     1:24.55  
                  40.45     1:24.55 (44.10)                                        
 40 Lacourt, Kaylee           JR Perry                          1:24.97  
                  40.53     1:24.97 (44.44)                                        
 41 Moliterno, Lauren         JR Boardman                       1:25.12  
                  40.45     1:25.12 (44.67)                                        
 42 Hulgin, Mia               FR Lake                           1:25.16  
                  39.97     1:25.16 (45.19)                                        
 43 Curtis, Paisley           JR Boardman                       1:25.18  
                  39.84     1:25.18 (45.34)                                        
 44 Reed, Audrey              FR Canfield                       1:25.30  
                  39.96     1:25.30 (45.34)                                        
 45 Nist, Sara                SR Hoover                         1:25.69  
                  40.12     1:25.69 (45.57)                                        
 46 Miller, Kayla             JR Wadsworth                      1:26.64  
                  40.11     1:26.64 (46.53)                                        
 47 Burns, Rachel             JR Louisville                     1:27.88  
                  40.31     1:27.88 (47.57)                                        
 48 Baughman, Samantha        JR Wadsworth                      1:28.00  
                  40.30     1:28.00 (47.70)                                        
 49 Hillier, Azia             FR Warren Harding                 1:28.27  
                  40.59     1:28.27 (47.68)                                        
 50 Parton, Allison           SR McKinley                       1:28.34  
                  40.47     1:28.34 (47.87)                                        
 51 Oser, Taylor              SO Lake                           1:29.96  
                  41.83     1:29.96 (48.13)                                        
 52 Malacky, Susanna          FR Warren Harding                 1:34.22  
                  44.28     1:34.22 (49.94)                                        
 53 Murari, Haley             JR McKinley                       1:34.26  
                  42.19     1:34.26 (52.07)                                        
 54 Heaton, Morgan            JR McKinley                       1:37.11  
                  44.06     1:37.11 (53.05)                                        
 55 Nicholson, Valerie        JR Barberton                      1:38.49  
                  46.93     1:38.49 (51.56)                                        
 56 Chamier, Molly            SO Wadsworth                      1:40.26  
                  46.81     1:40.26 (53.45)                                        
 57 Nicholas, Maddie          SO Wadsworth                      1:49.81  
                  50.40     1:49.81 (59.41)                                        
 58 Krajcovic, Krystal        JR Barberton                      1:58.72  
                  56.69   1:58.72 (1:02.03)                                        
 -- Piesciuk, Samantha        JR McKinley                            DQ  
                  43.39          DQ (46.60)                                        
Event 12  Girls 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
   Sectional: * 3:39.38        2011 MASSILLON JACKSON, JACKSON                 
                         A Tan, M Jones, E Graeff, C Kinney                
    School                                                        Finals        
  1 Massillon Jackson  'A'                                      3:39.93  
     1) Graeff, Elizabeth SO            2) Herstine, Holly SR             
     3) Loughner, Haley FR              4) Kinney, Chase JR               
                  25.84       54.91 (54.91)     1:15.00 (20.09)     1:51.90 (56.99)
        2:19.27 (27.37)     2:48.90 (57.00)     3:12.95 (24.05)     3:39.93 (51.03)
  2 North Canton Hoover  'A'                                    3:42.81  
     1) Nist, Lauren SO                 2) Lammlein, Lauren SR            
     3) Evans, Emily SR                 4) Acuna, Rebekah JR              
                  26.56       55.60 (55.60)     1:22.66 (27.06)     1:53.35 (57.75)
        2:19.85 (26.50)     2:49.29 (55.94)     3:14.57 (25.28)     3:42.81 (53.52)
  3 Copley  'A'                                                 3:46.52  
     1) Rodriguez, Gabriella SO         2) Prifti, Brenda FR              
     3) Round, Emma FR                  4) Myers, Madison FR              
                  28.05       59.32 (59.32)     1:25.42 (26.10)     1:54.52 (55.20)
        2:22.06 (27.54)     2:52.47 (57.95)     3:18.23 (25.76)     3:46.52 (54.05)
  4 Youngstown Boardman  'A'                                    3:48.15  
     1) Markovitch, Jordyn SO           2) Hilk, Jessica SO               
     3) Bodamer, Emily SR               4) Manning, Colleen JR            
                  27.64       58.01 (58.01)     1:25.23 (27.22)     1:55.10 (57.09)
        2:22.97 (27.87)     2:52.39 (57.29)     3:19.20 (26.81)     3:48.15 (55.76)
  5 Canton McKinley  'A'                                        3:48.31  
     1) Vozar, Tianna FR                2) Buckley, Marissa JR            
     3) Perry, Alyson SR                4) Evans, Anna JR                 
                  28.11       59.78 (59.78)     1:26.61 (26.83)     1:55.73 (55.95)
        2:22.87 (27.14)     2:53.20 (57.47)     3:19.16 (25.96)     3:48.31 (55.11)
  6 Wooster High School  'A'                                    3:50.86  
     1) Sibilia, Gabrielle SO           2) Miller, Lauren SO              
     3) Cornelius, Emily JR             4) Wenger, Sydney FR              
                  26.42       57.19 (57.19)     1:24.20 (27.01)     1:54.43 (57.24)
        2:21.94 (27.51)     2:53.32 (58.89)     3:20.04 (26.72)     3:50.86 (57.54)
  7 Green High School  'A'                                      3:51.94  
     1) Hickman, Hope SR                2) Kussow, Katie SO               
     3) Jenkins, Haley FR               4) Herbert, Kennedy SO            
                  27.08       56.57 (56.57)     1:25.47 (28.90)   1:56.95 (1:00.38)
        2:24.83 (27.88)     2:56.31 (59.36)     3:22.77 (26.46)     3:51.94 (55.63)
  8 Canfield High School  'A'                                   3:52.62  
     1) Heaven, Sarah FR                2) Davis, Leslie JR               
     3) Williamson, Olivia SO           4) Allen, Mallory SO              
                  27.82       57.68 (57.68)     1:26.28 (28.60)     1:57.13 (59.45)
        2:24.54 (27.41)     2:56.16 (59.03)     3:22.65 (26.49)     3:52.62 (56.46)
  9 Massillon Perry High School  'A'                            3:57.78  
     1) Hamit, Alex SR                  2) Zuniga, Katie FR               
     3) Perretta, Carlie FR             4) Marino, Emily SR               
                  27.21       56.42 (56.42)     1:25.45 (29.03)     1:56.25 (59.83)
        2:25.12 (28.87)   2:57.22 (1:00.97)     3:26.31 (29.09)   3:57.78 (1:00.56)
 10 Glenoak  'A'                                                4:01.98  
     1) Heffernan, Madeline SO          2) McGhee, Rachel JR              
     3) Jacobs, Abbey JR                4) Motts, Jessie SR               
                  28.47       59.46 (59.46)     1:28.10 (28.64)   1:59.94 (1:00.48)
        2:28.94 (29.00)   3:00.08 (1:00.14)     3:29.50 (29.42)   4:01.98 (1:01.90)
 11 Massillon High School  'A'                                  4:03.54  
     1) Lilli, Cassie SR                2) Sunkle, Chancelor FR           
     3) Young, Taylor SO                4) Hickey, Meghan SR              
                  28.33       59.07 (59.07)     1:29.78 (30.71)   2:03.70 (1:04.63)
        2:33.84 (30.14)   3:06.36 (1:02.66)     3:33.46 (27.10)     4:03.54 (57.18)
 12 Louisville High School  'A'                                 4:06.55  
     1) Yu, Amy FR                      2) Spehar, Stephanie SR           
     3) Horton, Stephanie SR            4) Brookens, Stephanie SR         
                  30.24   1:03.42 (1:03.42)     1:34.90 (31.48)   2:10.36 (1:06.94)
        2:38.36 (28.00)   3:11.64 (1:01.28)     3:36.53 (24.89)     4:06.55 (54.91)
 13 Cloverleaf High School  'A'                                 4:12.16  
     1) Kopinsky, Anna SO               2) Plazek, Tessa JR               
     3) Jordan, Janelle FR              4) Ferguson, Addy SR              
                  29.70   1:02.10 (1:02.10)     1:34.03 (31.93)   2:08.61 (1:06.51)
        2:39.32 (30.71)   3:13.44 (1:04.83)     3:40.91 (27.47)     4:12.16 (58.72)
 14 Wadsworth  'A'                                              4:45.28  
     1) Serbin, Paige SR                2) Smith, Haley FR                
     3) Jansen, Erin JR                 4) Lee, Carolyn FR                
                  33.06   1:11.60 (1:11.60)     1:46.60 (35.00)   2:24.26 (1:12.66)
        2:57.49 (33.23)   3:34.48 (1:10.22)     4:08.20 (33.72)   4:45.28 (1:10.80)
 15 Uniontown Lake  'A'                                         4:47.05  
     1) Gunn, Ashley SO                 2) Hulgin, Mia FR                 
     3) Koehl, Abigail SO               4) Dixon, Ashley JR               
                  32.11   1:06.74 (1:06.74)     1:40.74 (34.00)   2:20.45 (1:13.71)
        2:57.90 (37.45)   3:37.75 (1:17.30)     4:10.21 (32.46)   4:47.05 (1:09.30)
 16 Barberton High School  'A'                                  4:49.78  
     1) Krajcovic, Rachael FR           2) Fernwalt, Hisako JR            
     3) Frazee, Sarah JR                4) Nicholson, Valerie JR          
                  32.91   1:09.15 (1:09.15)     1:47.85 (38.70)   2:32.23 (1:23.08)
        3:02.37 (30.14)   3:35.08 (1:02.85)     4:10.84 (35.76)   4:49.78 (1:14.70)
 -- Warren G. Harding  'A'                                           DQ  
     1) Schwanemann, Aileen JR          2) Hernon, Cara FR                
     3) Hernon, Brenna JR               4) Kennedy, Haley SR              
                  31.94   1:07.56 (1:07.56)     1:39.66 (32.10)   2:11.77 (1:04.21)
        2:42.49 (30.72)   3:16.11 (1:04.34)     3:45.36 (29.25)        DQ (1:01.79)