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Team Records | Individual Records | Team | Coaching | Miscellaneous


Most Goals, Game (minimum 12)

29 - Bowling Green vs. Toledo Central Catholic (0) (1993)
28 - Sylvania Northview vs. Toledo Start (1) (1981)
26 - Shaker Heights vs. Cleveland South (1976-1977)
24 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Toledo Whitmer (2/22/2016)
24 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Oregon Clay (1/16/2016)
23 - Sylvania Northview vs. Pittsburgh (PA) Canevin (0) (1982)
22 - Cleveland Heights vs. Parma Heights Valley Forge (1) (1978)
22 - Parma Padua Franciscan vs. Brooklyn (1) (1978)
21 - Cleveland Heights vs. Garfield Heights (1) (1985)
21 - Findlay vs. Trotwood-Madison (0) (1977)
18 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Maumee (2/16/2015)
17 - Kettering Archbishop Alter vs. Cincinnati Elder (2/10/2024)
16 - Upper Arlington vs. Dublin Scioto (02/22/2020)
15 - Springboro vs. Sylvania Southview (1/13/2017)
15 - Aurora vs. Chesterland West Geauga (2) (2/13/2004)
15 - Aurora vs. Twinsburg (2) (1/15/2003)
14 - Brooklyn vs. Garfield Heights (12/20/2018)
13 - Springboro vs. Cincinnati Sycamore (1/9/2015)
13 - Springboro vs. Cincinnati Elder (1/28/2011)
13 - Aurora vs. Chesterland West Geauga (3) (12/26/2002)
12 - Chagrin Falls Kenston vs. Stow-Munroe Falls (12/31/2023)
12 - Beavercreek vs. Troy (0) (12/20/2019)
12 - Cleveland Heights vs. Cleveland Benedictine (1/16/2016)
12 - Springboro vs. Maumee (12/17/2011)
12 - Aurora vs. Twinsburg (2) (1/21/2001)
12 - Aurora vs. Chesterland West Geauga (4) (1/6/2002)

Most Goals, Season (minimum 175)

336 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
274 - Shaker Heights (1980-1981)
249 - Kent Roosevelt (1981-1982)
246 - Rocky River (2011-12)
244 - Bowling Green (1983-1984)
237 - Centerville (1992-1993)
232 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2014-2015)
231 - Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
229 - Toledo Whitmer (1983-1984)
228 - North Olmsted (1981-1982)
226 - Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-24)
225 - Shaker Heights (1978-1979)
219 - Shaker Heights (1979-1980)
218 - Cleveland Heights (1983-1984)
217 - Upper Arlington (2019-2020)
215 - Brooklyn (1989-1990)
209 - Cleveland Heights (1985-1986)
208 - Springboro (2010-11)
208 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2010-2011)
205 - Avon Lake (2017-18)
204 - Amherst Steele (2011-2012)
203 - Kettering Archbishop Alter (2021-2022)
202 - Lewis Center Olentangy Orange (2013-2014)
202 - Amherst Steele (2010-2011)
202 - Shaker Heights (1977-1978)
200 - Springboro (2015-16)
200 - Amherst Steele (2012-2013)
197 - Cleveland Heights (1986-1987)
192 - Amherst Steele (2017-2018)
191 - Shaker Heights (1981-1982)
188 - Lewis Center Olentangy Orange (2014-2015)
187 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2009-2010)
183 - Cleveland Heights (1984-1985)
183 - Shaker Heights (1983-1984)
181 - Cleveland St. Joseph (1985-1986)
180 - Cleveland Heights (2015-16)
180 - Springboro (2012-13)
178 - Olentangy Liberty (2012-2013)
176 - Cleveland Heights (1987-1988)
175 - Kettering Archbishop Alter (2023-2024)
175 - Aurora (2005-2006)
175 - Springboro (2011-12)

Most Assists, Game (minimum 18)

41 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Toledo Whitmer (2/22/2016)
40 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Oregon Clay (1/16/2016)
39 - Shaker Heights vs. Parma Heights Valley Forge (1981-1982)
35 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Maumee (2/16/2015)
32 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Linsly (WV) (1/1/2016)
28 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Perrysburg (2/26/2016)
26 - Amherst Steele vs. Brooklyn (2/17/2011)
26 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Cincinnati Archbishop Moeller (2014-15)
21 - Aurora vs. Twinsburg (1/15/2003)
18 - Aurora vs. Twinsburg (1/21/2001)
18 - Aurora vs. Chesterland West Geauga (1/6/2002)
18 - Aurora vs. Canfield (2/1/2006)
18 - Aurora vs. Chesterland West Geauga (1/3/2007)

Most Assists, Season (minimum (275)

559 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
422 - Shaker Heights (1980-1981)
394 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2014-2015)
364 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2010-2011)
345 - Brooklyn (1988-1989)
325 - Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-24)
320 - Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
318 - Cleveland Heights (1985-1986)
317 - Shaker Heights (1979-1980)
314 - Cleveland Heights (1983-1984)
314 - Shaker Heights (1978-1979)
310 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2009-2010)
310 - Amherst Steele (2012-2013)
296 - Upper Arlington (2019-2020)
295 - Amherst Steele (2010-2011)
295 - Cleveland Heights (1985-1986)
284 - Cleveland Heights (1987-1988)
282 - Amherst Steele (2011-2012)

Fewest Goals Allowed, Season (maximum 75)

25 - Shaker Heights (1970-1971)
31 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
35 - Upper Arlington (2019-2020)
40 - Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
40 - Aurora (32 games) (2005-2006)
43 - Amherst Steele (2011-2012)
47 - Cleveland Heights (1986-1987)
48 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2009-2010)
48 - Parma Padua Franciscan (2003-2004)
51 - Amherst Steele (2010-2011)
52 - Lakewood St. Edward (2003-2004)
53 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2014-2015)
54 - Amherst Steele (2017-2018)
55 - Cleveland Heights (2014-15)
55 - Lakewood St. Edward (2004-2005)
57 - Aurora (29 games) (2006-2007)
58 - Olentangy Liberty (2012-2013)
58 - Shaker Heights (2004-2005)
59 - Shaker Heights (1978-1979)
60 - Cleveland Heights (2015-16)
60 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2007-2008)
61 - Beavercreek (2021-2022)
61 - Cleveland Heights (2015-16)
61 - Springboro (2015-16)
63 - Beavercreek (2018-2019)
65 - Amherst Steele (2019-2020)
70 - Beavercreek (2020-2021)
70 - Centerville (1998-1999)
71 - Toledo St. Johns (2022-23)
72 - Cleveland Heights (2013-2014)
73 - Olentangy Liberty (2011-2012)
74 - Beavercreek (2002-2003)
75 - Beavercreek (2019-20)
75 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2006-2007)
75 - Aurora (29 games) (2004-2005)
75 - Olentangy Liberty (2009-2010)

Most Shutouts, Season (minimum 8)

18 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
16 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2014-2015)
15 - Upper Arlington (2019-2020)
15 - Amherst Steele (2011-2012)
14 - Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
14 - Olentangy Liberty (2010-2011)
14 - Lakewood St. Edward (2004-2005)
13 - Cleveland St. Ignatius (2008-2009)
12 - Cleveland St. Ignatius (2007-2008)
12 - Lakewood St. Edward (2003-2004)
11 - Amherst Steele (2019-2020)
11 - Beavercreek (2019-2020)
11 - Olmsted Falls (2013-14)
11 - Cleveland Heights (2015-16)
11 - Lakewood St. Edward (2005-2006)
10 - Olentangy Liberty (2012-2013)
10 - Amherst Steele (2010-2011)
9 - Toledo St Johns (2022-23)
9 - Amherst Steele (2017-2018)
9 - Rocky River (2011-12)
9 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2009-10)
9 - Olentangy Liberty (2008-2009)
8- Toledo St. John's Jesuit (2021-2022)
8 - Upper Arlington (2020-2021)
8 - Cleveland Heights (2014-15)
8 - Olentangy Liberty (2011-2012)
8 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2007-2008)
8 - Shaker Heights (1976-1977)

Most Wins, Season (minimum 30)

39 - Cleveland St. Ignatius (2012) 39-1-0
36 - Upper Arlington (2019-2020)
36 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-16) 36-1-0
35 - Gates Mills Gilmour Academy (2011) 35-9-2
34 - Toledo St. Francis deSales (2011) 34-4-1
34 - Lakewood St. Edward (2003) 34-8-2
33 - Parma Padua Franciscan (2001) 33-4
32 - Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2014-15) 32-5-1
32 - Lakewood St. Edward (2004) 32-8-2
32 - Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
31 - Springboro (2015-16)
31 - Lewis Center Olentangy Orange (2012-2013)
31 - Amherst Steele (2011-2012)
31 - Olentangy Liberty (2010-2011)
31 - Cleveland St. Ignatius (2010) 31-7-3
31 - Hunting Valley University School (2009) 31-6-3
31 - Sylvania Northview (2006) 31-4-2
30 - Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-24)
30 - Amherst Steele (2017-2018)
30 - Amherst Steele (2011-2012)
30 - Cleveland St. Ignatius (2011) 30-7-0
30 - Lakewood St. Edward (1990) 30-1
30 - Parma Padua Franciscan (1988) 30-2
30 - Cleveland Heights (1986) 30-1
30 - Bowling Green (1984) 30-1
30 - Shaker Heights (1971-1972) 30-2-0

Most Wins, All-Time

994 - Lakewood St. Edward (1969-2018)
871 - Shaker Heights (1970-2018)
842 - Parma Padua Franciscan (1970-2018)
812 - Cleveland St. Ignatius (1938-1943,1976-2018)
734 - Cleveland Heights (1969-2018)
708 - Hunting Valley University School (1979-2018)


Most Goals, Game (minimum 6)

11 - Pete Hrelec, Dublin Scioto, vs. St. Francis DeSales (2/12/2020)
10 - Kyle Brown, Millbury Lake vs. Whitehouse Anthony Wayne (01/14/2005)
8 - Alexander Steen, Chardon Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin vs. Lyndhurst Charles F. Brush (1/3/2020)
8 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville vs. Mason (12/9/2018)
8 - Drew Beck, Elyria Catholic vs. Garfield Heights (1/13/2018)
8 - Ryan Agner, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Columbus Bishop Watterson (01/03/2015)
8 - Skyler Rossbach, West Geauga vs. Canfield (11/29/2014)
8 - Evan Raupp, Pepper Pike Orange vs. Solon (12/26/2013)
8 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (12/28/2011)
8 - Drew Troy, Aurora vs. Twinsburg (1/15/2003)
7 - JD Sega, Mayfield vs. Brecksville (2/8/2023)
7 - Alex Elsner, Beavercreek vs. Elder (1/21/2023)
7 - Loukas Wu, Solon vs. Aurora (1/13/2023)
7 - Cole Gutterman, Beavercreek vs. Troy (12/20/2019)
7 - Aaron Wrost, Brooklyn vs. Bay Village Bay (01/17/2019)
7 - Gavin Supek, Brooklyn vs. Garfield Heights (12/20/2018)
7 - Val Carriero, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2019-2020)
7 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville vs. Troy (12/23/2018)
7 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Columbus St. Francis DeSales (02/21/2015)
7 - Zach Mandry, Solon vs. Western Reserve Academy (12/20/2015)
7 - Ryan Agner, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Cincinnati Archbishop Moeller (02/07/2015)
7 - Tommy Arthur, Parma Senior vs. Garfield Heights (01/31/2015)
7 - Jake Norman, Olmsted Falls vs. Avon Lake (1/29/2014)
7 - Shane Malinak, North Olmsted vs. Bay Village Bay (11/29/2014)
7 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River vs. Padua (2/21/2013)
7 - Ben Urbas, Cleveland Heights vs. Benedictine (2/2/2013)
7 - Grant Slagle, Centerville vs. Dublin Scioto (12/07/2013)
7 - Tyler Harkins, Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (12/4/2011)
7 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River vs. Brecksville (12/3/2010)
7 - Mike Lange, Garfield Heights vs. Chardon Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin (01/31/2009)
7 - Steve Knazek, Garfield Heights vs. Cleveland Villa Angela-St. Joseph (01/03/1995)
7 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn vs. Parma Normandy (11/18/1989)
6 - JD Sega, Mayfield vs. Canfield (11/23/2024)
6 - Gavin Rowell, Chagrin Falls Kenston vs. Elyria Catholic (1/3/2024)
6 - Ben Hidek, Lyndhurst Brush vs. Brooklyn (01/28/2021)
6 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville vs. Mason (2/4/2018)
6 - Jared Aslaksen, Avon Lake vs. North Canton Hoover (01/03/2017)
6 - Joe Capretta, Aurora vs. West Geauga (12/18/2016)
6 - Joe Capretta, Aurora vs. West Geauga (2/7/2016)
6 - Joe Capretta, Aurora vs. Mayfield (1/9/2016)
6 - Alexander "AJ" Noll, Troy vs. Worthington Kilbourne (02/19/2016)
6 - Joey Pischel, Thomas Worthington vs. Bishop Watterson (2/12/2016)
6 - Austin Steindl, Midview vs. Avon Lake (01/15/2013)
6 - Mike Geckler, Centerville vs. Cincinnati Elder (01/30/2015)
6 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Cincinnati Elder (01/17/2015)
6 - Ryan Agner, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Olentangy (12/13/2014)
6 - Jake Weideling, Beavercreek vs. Cincinnati Elder (12/06/2014)
6 - Troy Hoffman, Beavercreek vs. Cincinnati Elder (2/1/2014)
6 - Troy Hoffman, Beavercreek vs. Cincinnati Elder (1/25/2014)
6 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Cincinnati Elder (01/17/2015)
6 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Worthington Thomas Worthington (01/16/2014)
6 - Dominic Cinalli, Nordonia vs. Aurora (12/6/2013)
6 - Austin Reynolds, Springboro vs. Centerville (12/30/2012)
6 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River vs. Kenston (2/8/2011)
6 - Riley Emery, Canfield vs. Garfield Heights (01/08/2011)
6 - David Torchia, Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Sylvania Southview (01/08/2010)
6 - Matt White, Perrysburg vs. Toledo Central Catholic (01/02/2010)
6 - Steve McCreight, Aurora vs. Twinsburg (2/15/2004)
6 - Drew Troy, Aurora vs. CVCA (1/10/2003)
6 - Drew Troy, Aurora vs. Chagrin Falls (12/30/2002)
6 - Drew Troy, Aurora vs. West Geauga (1/06/2002)
6 - Drew Troy, Aurora vs. Twinsburg (1/21/2001)
6 - Tim Kendel, Cleveland Villa Angela-St. Joseph vs. Garfield Heights Trinity (12/26/1995)
6 - Tim Kohanski, Euclid vs. Valley Forge (1/6/1993)
6 - Mark Owsiak, Brooklyn vs. Parma Normandy (12/27/1992)
6 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn vs. Parma Normandy (01/31/1991)
6 - Pat Ganley, Cleveland Heights vs. Shaker Heights (02/28/1987)
6 - Mike Sload, Shaker Heights vs. Hunting Valley University School (1980-1981)
6 - David Wipper, Shaker Heights vs. Parma Heights Valley Forge (1979-1980)
6 - Eric Smith, Cincinnati Archbishop Moeller vs. Kettering Archbishop Alter

Most Goals, Season (minimum 55)

96 - Kyle Brown, Millbury Lake (2004-05)
84 - Val Carriero, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2019-2020)
82 - Brady Kiplinger, Springboro (2015-16)
80 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River (2011-12)
80 - Zach Mandry, 80 (2015-16)
78 - Will Augustine, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2021-2022)
78 - Matt White, Perrysburg (2009-10)
77 - Luke Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2011-12)
73 - Ryan Hembree, Centerville (1994-1995)
72 - Hunter Carr, Toledo Whitmer (2013-14)
72 - Tyler Harkins, Rocky River (2011-12)
71 - Austin Reynolds, Springboro (2012-13)
70 - Gavin Rowell, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-2024)
70 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville (2018-2019)
70 - Austin Reynolds, Springboro (2011-12)
69 - Joe Capretta, Aurora (2015-2016)
69 - Zach Mandry, Solon (2014-2015)
69 - Andy Grindley, Upper Arlington (2006-2007)
68 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne (2014-2015)
67 - Zach Zwierecki, Avon (2016-17)
67 - Jake Gaudino, Bay Village Bay (2015-2016)
66 - Alex Elsner, Beavercreek (2022-23)
66 - Dominic Conte, Olmsted Falls (2018-2019)
66 - Tate Winckler, Centerville (1992-1993)
65 - Kyle Bloom, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-16)
65 - Brady Kiplinger, Springboro (2014-15)
64 - Troy Krahe, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-2024)
64 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
64 - Val Carriero, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2018-19)
64 - Ryan Manfredi, Chardon Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin (2012-13)
64 - Drew Troy, Aurora (2002-2003)
64 - Steve McCreight, Aurora (2002-2003)
63 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2017-2018)
63 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn (1990-91)
62 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville (2018-2019)
62 - Ryan Agner, Worthington Kilbourne (2014-2015)
62 - Jake Norman, Olmsted Falls (2013-14)
62 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne (2013-2014)
61 - Ben Urbas, Cleveland Heights (2012-13)
60 - Eric Novakovic, Avon (2013-14)
60 - DJ Hume, Springboro (2010-11)
60 - David Wipper, Shaker Heights (1979-80)
59 - Ryan Agner, Worthington Kilbourne (2013-2014)
59 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River (2012-13)
58 - Mason Mikesch, Beavercreek (2018-19)
58 - Aaron Wrost, Brooklyn (2018-2019)
58 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2019-2020)
58 - Andy Grindley, Upper Arlington (2005-2006)
58 - Tate Winckler, Centerville (1991-1992)
58 - Terry Dentkos, Brooklyn (1988-89)
57 - Luke Dinkins, Archbishop Alter (2018-2019)
57 - Joe Breslin, Centerville (2009-2010)
57 - Jim Banaszek, Euclid (1979-80)
56 - Conor Lewis, Cleveland Heights (2015-16)
56 - Evan Raupp, Pepper Pike Orange (2013-14)
56 - Devon Herzig, Toledo Whitmer (2013-14)
56 - Pat Bauman, Cleveland Heights (1987-1988)
55 - Ethan Green, Beavercreek (2016-17)
55 - Joe Hammerly, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2016-17)
54 - Joey Pischel, Thomas Worthington (2016-17)
54 - Joseph Gray, Columbus St. Francis DeSales (2011-12)
54 - Mark Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2011-12)
54 - Cory Daugherty, Olmsted Falls (2010-11)
54 - Ben Lopez, Perrysburg (2009-10)
54 - Mark Spring, Shaker Heights (1980-81)
53 - Troy Hoffman, Beavercreek (2013-2014)
53 - Joe Breslin, Centerville (2008-2009)
53 - Matt White, Perrysburg (2008-2009)
53 - Robert Walker, Aurora (2006-2007)
52 - Joey Pischel, Thomas Worthington (2015-16)
52 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2010-11)
52 - Riley Emery, Canfield (2010-2011)
52 - Todd Guenther, Cleveland Heights (1987-88)
51 - Austin Steindl, Midview (2012-13)
51 - Grant Slagle, Centerville (2014-2015)
51 - Lee McClure, Beavercreek (2005-06)
51 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn (1989-90)
50 - Zach Zwierecki, Avon (2015-16)
50 - David Kuckuka, Elyria Catholic (2015-16)
50 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2012-13)
50 - Mark Genger, Shaker Heights (1980-81)

Most Goals, Career (minimum 125)

220 - Zach Mandry, Solon (2012-2016)
212 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2016-2020)
194 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River (2009-13)
185 - Andy Grindley, Upper Arlington (2004-2007)
184 - Austin Reynolds, Springboro (2009-2013)
182 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne (2012-2015)
181 - Val Carriero, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2017-2020)
180 - Drew Troy, Aurora (1999-2003)
172 - Luke Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2010-2012)
171 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn (1987-1991)
168 - Zach Zwierecki, Avon (2016-2017)
158 - Alex Elsner, Beavercreek (2021-2024)
158 - Will Augustine, Kettering Bishop Alter (2019-2022)
157 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2009-2013)
156 - Troy Krahe, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2020-2024)
155 - Tate Winckler, Centerville (1990-1993)
155 - Ryan Agner, Worthington Kilbourne (2012-2015)
154 - Joey Pischel, Thomas Worthington (2013-2017)
153 - Thomas Bush, Beavercreek (2018-2022)
152 - Steve McCreight, Aurora (2001-2005)
147 - Brady Kiplinger, Springboro (2014-2016)
145 - Jared Aslaksen, Avon Lake (2014-2018)
144 - Nick Ciura, Amherst Steele (2019-2023)
144 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville (2015-2019)
143 - Austin Steindl, Midview (2009-2013)
143 - Matt White, Perrysburg (2006-2010)
138 - Jake Norman, Olmsted Falls (2010-2014)
137 - Kyle Bloom, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2013-2016)
136 - Jon Sefchik, Brooklyn (1995-1999)
135 - Lee McClure, Beavercreek (2004-2007)
134 - Joey Kramer, Amherst Steele (2018-2022)
132 - Joe Capretta, Aurora (2014-2017)
130 - Dominic Conte, Olmsted Falls (2016-2019)
128 - Casey Christensen, Upper Arlington (2006-2006)
128 - Ted Kohanski, Cleveland St. Joseph (1985-1989)
127 - Kevin Burgett, Amherst Steele (2009-2013)
127 - Riley Emery, Canfield (2007-2011)
126 - Ben Urbas, Cleveland Heights (2009-2013)
126 - Mark Owsiak, Brooklyn (1990-1994)
125 - Luke Dinkins, Archbishop Alter (2015-2019)

Most Assists, Game (minimum 6)

8 - Josh Seebacher, Centerville vs. Sycamore (1/26/2019)
8 - Jay Denman, Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Mentor Lake Catholic (12/19/2015)
8 - Kevin Burgett, Amherst Steele vs. Parma Normandy (2/16/2013)
8 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele vs. Brecksville-Broadview Heights (1/18/2013)
8 - Max Lurie, Rocky River vs. North Olmsted (1/4/2012)
8 - Max Lurie, Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (12/28/2011)
8 - Kyle Olsen, Aurora vs. West Geauga (1/6/2002)
8 - Bill Bauchens, Brooklyn vs. Parma Normandy (11/18/1989)
7 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville vs. Elder (12/16/2018)
7 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Springfield (1/18/2015)
7 - Jay Denman, Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Oregon Clay (1/16/2016)
7 - Jay Denman, Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Lewis Center Olentangy (12/27/2015)
7 - Drew Ashton, Amherst Steele vs. Holy Name (12/28/2010)
7 - Alex Carr, Aurora vs. Chagrin Falls (12/30/2002)
7 - Kevin Mallin, Shaker Heights vs. Lakewood (1980-1981)
7 - David Wipper, Shaker Heights vs. Parma Normandy (1979-1980)
6 - Gavin Rowell, Chagrin Falls Kenston vs. Toledo Whitmer (12/16/2023)
6 - Troy Krahe, Chagrin Falls Kenston vs. Miami B (11/25/2023)
6 - Logan George, Parma Normandy vs. Twinsburg (1/12/2020)
6 - Jay Denman, Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Perrysburg (2/26/2016)
6 - Warren Natyshak, Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Toledo Whitmer (2/22/2016)
6 - Alex Wu, Solon vs. Western Reserve Academy (12/20/2015)
6 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele vs. Parma Normandy (2/16/2013)
6 - Max Lurie, Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (1/7/2012)
6 - Tyler Rudy, Cleveland Heights vs. Nordonia (1/7/2012)
6 - Ian Kraus, Cleveland Heights vs. Garfield Heights (12/27/2012)
6 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele vs. Parma Normandy (12/4/2011)
6 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele vs. Parma Normandy (12/2/2012)
6 - Max Lurie, Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (12/4/2011)
6 - Paul Miller, Amherst Steele vs. Westlake (2/23/2011)
6 - Pavi Kullar, Beavercreek vs. Trinity (01/31/2009)
6 - Jesper Sandjoe, Aurora vs. Bay (2/09/2009)
6 - Nate Connelly, Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Sylvania Southview (12/27/2007)
6 - Dan Victor, Brooklyn vs. Parma (02/07/1991)
6 - Troy Grahl, Brooklyn vs. Olmsted Falls (02/20/1984)

Most Assists, Season (minimum 50)

119 - Max Lurie, Rocky River (2011-2012)
95 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2012-2013)
86 - Ryan Kraft, Centerville (1994-1995)
84 - Jay Denman, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-16)
83 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
81 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2011-2012)
78 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2017-2018)
74 - Tyler Harkins, Rocky River (2011-2012)
70 - Troy Krahe, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-2024)
68 - Mark Genger, Shaker Heights (1980-1981)
66 - Mark Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2011-2012)
66 - Macke Bentley, Shaker Heights (1979-1980)
65 - Tate Winckler, Centerville (1991-1992)
64 - Ryan Kraft, Centerville (1995-1996)
63 - Paul Miller, Amherst Steele (2012-2013)
63 - Mike Sload, Shaker Heights (1980-1981)
62 - Ben Lopez, Perrysburg (2009-2010)
61 - Bill Bauchens, Brooklyn (1988-1989)
60 - Keith Abood, Shaker Heights (1978-1979)
59 - Travis Studzinski, Springboro (2011-12)
59 - Luke Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2011-2012)
58 - Jacob Fekete, Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
58 - Tyler Murphy, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2010-2011)
57 - Matt White, Perrysburg (2009-2010)
57 - Doug Hicks, Shaker Heights (1980-1981)
56 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2029-2020)
56 - Nate Leaman, Centerville (1990-1991)
56 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne (2013-2014)
56 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2010-2011)
56 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River (2011-12)
56 - Mike Bauman, Cleveland Heights (1984-1985)
55 - Gavin Rowell, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-2024)
54 - Tyler Waldecki, Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
54 - Tomi Pirinen, Aurora (2015-2016)
54 - Chris Dyer, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2007-2008)
54 - Tate Winckler, Centerville (1992-1993)
54 - Cody Calendine, Toledo Whitmer (2013-2014)
54 - Scott Wheeler, Cleveland Heights (1985-1986)
53 - Joey Kramer, Amherst Steele (2019-2020)
53 - Jacob Fekete, Amherst Steele (2017-2018)
53 - Brady Kiplinger, Springboro (2015-16)
53 - Brendan Furry, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
53 - Angelo Procaccini, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
53 - Casey Christensen, Upper Arlington (2006-2006)
52 - Cole Gutterman, Beavercreek (2018-19)
52 - Matthew Granata, Springboro (2015-16)
52 - Drew Ashton, Amherst Steele (2010-2011)
52 - Mark Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2012-2013)
51 - Kevin Burgett, Amherst Steele (2011-2012)
51 - Matt Vild, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
51 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn (1990-1991)
51 - Mike Sload, Shaker Heights (1979-1980)
51 - Keith Abood, Shaker Heights (1977-1978)
50 - Andy Grindley, Upper Arlington (2006-2007)

Most Assists, Career (minimum 125)

259 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2016-2020)
249 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2009-2013)
211 - Ryan Kraft, Centerville (1992-1996)
199 - Mark Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2009-2013)
180 - Max Lurie, Rocky River (2008-2012)
167 - Travis Studzinski, Springboro (2009-2013)
167 - Danny Lopez, Perrysburg (2005-2009)
164 - Troy Krahe, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2020-2024)
160 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn (1987-1991)
156 - Joey Kramer, Amherst Steele (2018-2022)
151 - Kevin Burgett, Amherst Steele (2009-2013)
147 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne (2012-2015)
142 - Bill Bauchens, Brooklyn (1986-1990)
142 - Keith Abood, Shaker Heights (1976-1979)
137 - Andy Grindley, Upper Arlington (2004-2007)
133 - Mike Bauman, Cleveland Heights (1982-1985)
131 - Macke Bentley, Shaker Heights (1977-1980)
130 - Pat Bauman, Cleveland Heights (1985-1988)
128 - Luke Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2010-2012)
126 - Nick Ciura, Amherst Steele (2019-2023)
126 - Austin Steindl, Midview (2009-2013)
126 - Chris Bergamesca, Olentangy Liberty (2010-2013)
126 - Brian Thompson, Brooklyn (1987-1991)
125 - Jim Vozar, Brooklyn (1987-1991)

Most Points, Game (minimum 9)

12 - Pete Hrelec, Dublin Scioto, vs. St. Francis DeSales (2/12/2020)
12 - Kyle Brown, Millbury Lake vs. Whitehouse Anthony Wayne (01/14/2005)
11 - Gavin Supek (7g, 4a), Brooklyn vs. Garfield Heights (12/20/2018)
11 - Kyle Bloom (5g, 6a), Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Oregon Clay (01/16/2016)
11 - Ryan Agner, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Columbus Bishop Watterson (01/3/2015)
11 - Drew Troy, Aurora vs. Twinsburg (01/15/2003)
10 - Alex Elsner, Beavercreek vs. Elder (1/21/2023)
10 - Drew Beck (8g 1a), Elyria Catholic vs. Garfield Heights (1/13/2018)
10 - Jay Denman (3g, 7a), Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Oregon Clay (01/16/2016)
10 - Max Lurie (4g, 6a), Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (1/7/2012)
10 - Max Lurie (2g, 8a), Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (12/28/2011)
10 - Eric Sperli (8g, 2a), Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (12/28/11)
10 - Drew Troy, Aurora vs. Twinsburg (01/21/2001)
10 - David Wipper, Shaker Heights vs. Parma Heights Valley Forge (1979-1980)
9 - Gavin Rowell, Chagrin Falls Kenston vs. Elyria Catholic (1/3/2024)
9 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville vs. Mason (12/9/2018)
9 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville vs. Elder (12/16/2018)
9 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville vs. Troy (12/23/2018)
9 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville vs. Sycamore (2/26/2019)
9 - Jared Aslaksen, Avon Lake vs. North Canton Hoover (01/03/2017)
9 - Matt Vild (5g, 4a), Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Oregon Clay (01/16/2016)
9 - Brendan Furry (4g, 5a), Toledo St. Francis de Sales vs. Linsly (WV) (01/01/2016)
9 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne vs. Springfield (01/18/2015)
9 - Jake Weideling, Beavercreek vs. Whitehouse Anthony Wayne (11/28/2014)
9 - Ben Urbas, Cleveland Heights vs. Avon Lake (2/1/2013)
9 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele vs. Avon Lake (1/20/2013)
9 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele vs. Brecksville-Broadview Heights (1/18/2013)
9 - Max Lurie (4g, 5a), Rocky River vs. Avon (1/14/2012)
9 - Tyler Harkins (7g, 2a), Rocky River vs. Elyria Catholic (12/4/2011)
9 - Kevin Burgett, Amherst Steele vs. Parma Normandy (12/4/2011)
9 - Paul Miller, Amherst Steele vs. Westlake (2/23/2011)
9 - Alex Carr, Aurora vs. Chagrin Falls (12/30/2002)
9 - Drew Troy, Aurora vs. Chagrin Falls (12/30/2002)

Most Points, Season (minimum 105)

156 - Max Lurie (37g, 119a), Rocky River (2011-12)
147 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
146 - Tyler Harkins (72g, 74a), Rocky River (2011-12)
145 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2012-2013)
141 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2017-2018)
138 - Eric Sperli (80g, 58a), Rocky River (2011-12)
136 - Ryan Kraft, Centerville (1994-1995)
136 - Luke Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2011-2012)
135 - Brady Kiplinger, Springboro (2015-16)
135 - Matt White, Perrysburg (2009-2010)
134 - Troy Krahe, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-2024)
132 - Kyle Brown, Millbury Lake (2004-2005)
130 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2011-2012)
125 - Gavin Rowell, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-2024)
123 - Tate Winckler, Centerville (1991-1992)
120 - Tate Winckler, Centerville (1992-1993)
120 - Mark Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2011-2012)
119 - Andy Grindley, Upper Arlington (2004-2007)
118 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne (2013-2014)
118 - Mark Genger, Shaker Heights (1980-1981)
118 - Zach Mandry, Solon (2015-2016)
116 - Ben Lopez, Perrysburg (2009-2010)
115 - Jacob Fekete, Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
114 - Will Augustine, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2021-2022)
114 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2019-2020)
114 - Jay Denman (30g, 84a) (2015-2016)
114 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn (1990-1991)
112 - Paul Miller, Amherst Steele (2012-2013)
110 - Val Carriero, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2018-19)
110 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne (2014-2015)
110 - Hunter Carr, Toledo Whitmer (2013-2014)
109 - David Wipper, Shaker Heights (1979-1980)
108 - Kyle Bloom (65g, 43a), Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
108 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2010-2011)
107 - Keith Abood, Shaker Heights (1978-1979)
106 - Drew Troy (64g, 42a), Aurora (2002-2003)
106 - Mike Sload, Shaker Heights (1980-1981)
103 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville (2018-2019)
103 - Tyler Murphy (45g, 58a), Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2010-2011)

Most Points, Career (minimum 200)

471 - Jacob Kramer, Amherst Steele (2016-2020)
406 - Connor Morris, Amherst Steele (2009-2013)
399 - Luke Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Chrsitian Academy (2009-2013)
343 - Ryan Kraft, Centerville (1992-1993)
331 - Sean Francis, Brooklyn (1987-1991)
329 - Mike Roman, Worthington Kilbourne (2012-2015)
327 - Zach Mandry, Solon (2012-2016)
322 - Andy Grindley, Upper Arlington (2004-2007)
320 - Troy Krahe, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2020-2024)
315 - Eric Sperli, Rocky River (2009-2013)
300 - Drew Troy, Aurora (1999-2003)
290 - Joey Kramer, Amherst Steele (2018-2022)
280 - Val Carriero, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2019-2020)
278 - Kevin Burgett, Amherst Steele (2009-2013)
276 - Danny Lopez, Perrysburg (2005-2009)
273 - Will Augustine, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2019-2022)
270 - Nick Ciura, Amherst Steele (2019-2023)
270 - Max Lurie, Rocky River (2008-2012)
270 - Mark Sunde, Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (2010-2012)
269 - Austin Steindl, Midview (2009-2013)
267 - Austin Reynolds, Springboro (2009-2013)
262 - Keith Abood, Shaker Heights (1976-1979)
261 - Steve McCreight, Aurora (2001-2005)
256 - Travis Studzinski, Springboro (2009-2013)
253 - Thomas Bush, Beavercreek (2018-2022)
250 - Matt White, Perrysburg (2006-2010)
249 - Ryan Agner, Worthington Kilbourne (2012-2015)
248 - Stephan Lang, Cleveland Heights (2013-2017)
248 - Pat Bauman, Cleveland Heights (1985-1988)
238 - Ted Kohanski, Cleveland St. Joseph (1985-1989)
237 - Alex Elsner, Beavercreek (2021-2024)
237 - Dominic Conte, Olmsted Falls (2016-2019)
237 - Bill Bauchens, Brooklyn (1986-1990)
236 - Jared Aslaksen, Avon Lake (2014-2018)
233 - Brady Kiplinger, Springboro (2014-2016)
232 - Alexander "AJ" Noll, Troy (2013-2016)
231 - Kyle Bloom, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2013-2016)
231 - Mike Bauman, Cleveland Heights (1982-1985)
228 - Joey Pischel, Thomas Worthington (2013-2017)
226 - Brian Thompson, Brooklyn (1987-1991)
224 - Conor Lewis, Cleveland Heights (2012-2016)
222 - Tyler Klutch, Columbus St. Francis DeSales (2010-2014)
220 - Riley Hanson, Beavercreek (2019-2023)
217 - Macke Bentley, Shaker Heights (1977-1980)
215 - Grant Slagle, Centerville (2011-2015)
214 - Terry Dentkos, Brooklyn (1985-1989)
213 - Drew Schemmel, Centerville (2015-2019)
213 - Matthew Granata, Springboro (2012-2016)
213 - Mark Owsiak, Brooklyn (1990-1994)
213 - Lee McClure, Beavercreek (2004-2007)
212 - Spencer Morgan, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2019-2022)
212 - Chris Bergamesca, Olentangy Liberty (2010-2013)
212 - Nick Jacobs, Perrysburg (1998-2002)
211 - Cole Gutterman, Beavercreek (2016-2020)
211 - Paul Miller, Amherst Steele (2009-2013)
207 - Jared Chobany, Gahanna Lincoln (2013-2017)
207 - Jon Sefchik, Brooklyn (1995-1999)
205 - Mike Sload, Shaker Heights (1978-1981)
202 - Jake Chobany, Gahanna Lincoln (2012-2016)

Most Saves, Game (minimum 74)

109 - Justin Blauman, Brecksville-Broadview Hts. vs. Northeast Storm (11/24/2018)
106 - Michael Kornet, Lyndhurst Brush vs. Lakewood (1/19/2018)
102 - Roby Fairchild, Maumee vs. Whitmer (2/14/2020)
101 - Roby Fairchild, Maumee vs. Oregon Clay (2/16/2020)
97 - Ismael Qasem, Brooklyn vs. Chagrin Falls (02/10/2009)
92 - Roby Fairchild, Maumee vs. Whitehouse Anthony Wayne (2/8/2019)
88 - Roby Fairchild, Maumee vs. St. John's Jesuit (2/17/2020)
79 - Dan Wilson, Mayfield vs. Mentor Lake Catholic (02/21/2015)
77 - David Marsh, Sylvania Northview vs. Cleveland St. Ignatius (03/08/2014 - State Championship)
74 - Ronnie Schwartz, Aurora vs. Pepper Pike Orange (01/22/2011)

Most Saves, Season (minimum 700)

1,335 - Jason Hildebran, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2019-2020)
1,295 - Elliott Hartwick, Thomas Worthington (2021-2022)
1,287 - Roby Fairchild, Maumee (2019-2020)
1,258 - Elliot Hartwick, Thomas Worthington (2022-23)
1,154 - Brian Daniels, Beavercreek (2012-2013)
1,154 - Brian Daniels, Beavercreek (2013-2014)
1,133 - Keegan Sullivan, Avon Lake (2012-2013)
1,129 - Gordon Rupert, Beavercreek (2011-2012)
1,118 - Dan Wilson, Mayfield (2014-2015)
1,096 - Kyle Diehr, Olentangy Orange (2021-2022)
1,008 - Ronnie Schwartz, Aurora (2010-2011)
1,004 - Brian Daniels, Beavercreek (2014-2015)
1,003 - Nick Spicker, Cincinnati Elder (2012-2013)
987 - Sigurd Peterson, Archbishop Alter (2017-2018)
975 - Jason Hildebran, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2018-19)
962 - Matt Antczak, Chardon Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin (2018-19)
942 - Nick Kasubinski, Gahanna Lincoln (2011-2012)
930 - Keegan Sullivan, Avon Lake (2013-2014)
924 - Jay Kiplinger, Springboro (2016-17)
924 - Joe Houser, Cleveland Benedictine (2012-2013)
911 - Gordon McCance, Euclid (1981-1982)
905 - Danny Moore, Orange-Pepper Pike (2019-2020)
900 - Joe Houser, Cleveland Benedictine (2014-2015)
890 - Emily Sefchik, Parma Heights Holy Name (2023-2024)
865 - Chris Henestofel, Gahanna Lincoln (2013-2014)
858 - Garrett Alderman, Upper Arlington (2020-2021)
853 - Tyler Klopfer, Gahanna Lincoln (2012-2013)
851 - Nick Spicker, Cincinnati Elder (2010-2011)
834 - Nick Svoboda, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-2024)
833 - Joe Houser, Cleveland Benedictine (2013-2014)
829 - Danny Moore, Orange-Pepper Pike (2018-2019)
824 - Grant Russell, Akron Archbishop Alter (2022-23)
822 - Elliott Hartwick, Thomas Worthington (2020-2021)
817 - Keegan Sullivan, Avon Lake (2014-2015)
815 - Rachael Schwartz, Aurora (2012-2013)
803 - Matt Douglas, Chardon Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin (2012-2013)
802 - Kris McClure, Beavercreek (1999-2000)
796 - Tom Kosinski, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2011-2012)
791 - Brian Daniels, Beavercreek (2015-2016)
789 - Kade Phipps, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2012-2013)
780 - Jared Tryloff, Beavercreek (2010-2011)
779 - Bryan Roth, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2012-2013)
775 - Dan Wilson, Mayfield (2013-2014)
774 - Justin Clarke, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2014-15)
772 - Nick Spicker, Cincinnati Elder (2011-2012)
772 - Roger Geiser, Canfield (2009-2010)
758 - Jorge Bare, Thomas Worthington (2016-17)
758 - Ben Gaglioti, Cleveland Heights (2001-2002)
751 - Aidan Hall, Cleveland Heights (2011-2012)
747 - Cooper Mears, Shaker Heights (2022-23)
740 - Kyle McClure, Beavercreek (2008-2009)
732 - Kevin Hutchinson, Aurora (2015-2016)
732 - Liam Robinson, Cleveland Heights (2008-2009)
725 - Zach Snyder, Olmsted Falls (2016-17)
720 - Ian Champagne, Beavercreek (2023-2024)
710 - Jason Hildebran, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2017-2018)
704 - Thomas Drake, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2023-2024)
700 - Chris DiMarco, Thomas Worthington (2014-2015)

Most Saves, Career (minimum 1,400)

4,103 - Brian Daniels, Beavercreek (2012-2016)
3,375 - Elliott Hartwick, Thomas Worthington (2020-2023)
3,303 - Jason Hildebran, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2016-2020)
3,244 - Joe Houser, Cleveland Benedictine (2011-2015)
3,208 - Keegan Sullivan, Avon Lake (2012-2016)
2,954 - Chris Henestofel, Gahanna Lincoln (2013-17)
2,933 - Dan Wilson, Mayfield (2011-2015)
2,887 - Ronnie Schwartz, Aurora (2007-2011)
2,726 - Anthony Dann, Beavercreek (2004-2008)
2,643 - Danny Moore, Orange-Pepper Pike
2,626 - Nick Spicker, Cincinnati Elder (2010-2013)
2,581 - Justin Clarke, Kettering Archbishop Alter (2013-17)
2,532 - Zach Snyder, Olmsted Falls (2013-17)
2,485 - Matt Douglas, Chardon Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin (2009-2013)
2,424 - Blake Sunagel, Midview (2009-12)
2,407 - Roger Geiser, Canfield (2008-2012)
2,280 - Kade Phipps, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2012-2016)
2,207 - Nick Adorni, Chardon Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin (1999-2003)
2,174 - Garrett Alderman, Upper Arlington (2017-2021)
2,028 - Liam Robinson, Cleveland Heights (2006-2010)
1,983 - Trent Swain, Cleveland Heights (2013-2017)
1,963 - Daley Baker, Cleveland Heights (2004-2008)
1,947 - Sigurd Peterson, Archbishop Alter (2016-2019)
1,942 - Jason Hildebran, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2016-19)
1,935 - Roger Geiser, Canfield (2008-2011)
1,805 - Sam Thomas, Anthony Wayne (2016-2019)
1,755 - Grant Russell, Akron Archbishop Alter (2019-2023)
1,701 - Brady Grove, Amherst Steele (2017-2021)
1,698 - Ian Champagne, Beavercreek (2021-2024)
1,635 - Trent Swain, Cleveland Heights (2013-16)
1,621 - Ben Duford, Beavercreek (2018-2022)
1,599 - Brad Puette, Aurora (2003-2007)
1,599 - Mychael Manning, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2004-2008)
1,446 - Andrew Markus, Cleveland Heights (1995-1998)
1,445 - Adam Siegel, Shaker Heights (1980-1983)
1,420 - Tom Kosinski, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2010-2012)
1,403 - Kyle McClure, Beavercreek (2008-2010)

Most Shutouts, Season (minimum 5)

17 - Kade Phipps, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2015-2016)
14 - Garrett Alderman, Upper Arlington (2019-2020)
13 - Brady Grove, Amherst Steele (2018-2019)
12 - Everett Graves, Lakewood St. Edward (2004-2005)
11 - Brady Grove, Amherst Steele (2019-2020)
11 - Trent Swain, Cleveland Heights (2015-16)
11 - Zach Snyder, Olmsted Falls (2013-14)
11 - Derek Classen, Hunting Valley University School (1998-1999)
10 - Blake Sunagel, Midview (2011-12)
10 - Kade Phipps, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2014-2015)
10 - Billy Ferkol, Parma Padua Franciscan (1996-1997)
9 - Jake Nicholson, Rocky River (2012-13)
8 - Trent Swain, Cleveland Heights (2015-16)
8 - Matt Coopey, Perrysburg (2006-2007)
7 - Zach Lojewski, Toledo St. John's Jesuit (2021-2022)
7 - Garrett Alderman, Upper Arlington (2020-2021)
7 - Sam Thomas, Anthony Wayne (2018-2019)
7 - Cam Perry, Olentangy Liberty (2012-2013)
7 - Eddie Arcy, Olentangy Liberty (2011-2012)
7 - Aidan Hall, Cleveland Heights (2011-2012)
7 - Mychael McAnninch, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2007-2008)
6 - Zack Lojewski, Toledo St. Johns (2022-23)
6 - Ben Duford, Beavercreek (2019-20)
6 - Jason Hildebran, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2017‐2018)
6 - Keegan Sullivan, Avon Lake (2015-2016)
6 - Quincy Duran, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2014-2015)
6 - Tom Kosinski, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2010-2011)
6 - Jeff Davis, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2009-2010)
6 - Ken Devine, Centerville (1996-1997)
6 - Robert Hickey, Centerville (2014-2015)
6 - Eddie Arcy, Olentangy Liberty (2010-2011)
5 - Nick Svoboda, Chagrin Falls Kenston (2023-2024)
5 - Danny Moore, Pepper Pike Orange (2019-2020)
5 - Kevin Bovair, Beavercreek (2018-2019)
5 - Danny Moore, Pepper Pike Orange (2018-2019)
5 - Gram Doherty, Beavercreek (2017-2018)
5 - Jay Kiplinger, Springboro (2015-2016)
5 - Michael Weber, Springboro (2014-2015)
5 - Brian Daniels, Beavercreek (2013-2014)
5 - Braden Susnik, Twinsburg (2013-2014)
5 - Braden Susnik, Twinsburg (2012-2013)
5 - Bryan Finneran, Olentangy Liberty (2010-2011)
5 - Chad Kinshaw, Perrysburg (2008-2009)
5 - Charlie McAnninch, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2006-2007)
5 - Brad Puette, Aurora (2006-2007)
5 - Brad Puette, Aurora (2005-2006)
5 - Ken Morgan, Brooklyn (1992-1993)

Most Shutouts, Career (minimum 15)

33 - Kade Phipps, Toledo St. Francis de Sales (2012-2016)
31 - Brady Grove, Amherst Steele (2017-2021)
25 - Trent Swain, Cleveland Heights (2013-2017)
24 - Zach Snyder, Olmsted Falls (2013-17)
23 - Trent Swain, Cleveland Heights (2013-16)
22 - Garrett Alderman, Upper Arlington (2017-2021)
21 - Everett Graves, Lakewood St. Edward (2004-2007)
17 - Sam Thomas, Anthony Wayne (2016-2019)
16 - Eli Branscum, Amherst Steele (2009-2012)
15 - Derek Classen, Hunting Valley University School (1998-2000)


Wins, All-Time (minimum 400)

640 - Mike Bartley, Shaker Heights (1976-2013, retired), 640-346-36
637 - John Malloy, Gates Mills Gilmour Academy (2004-2019), Rocky River (1996-1998), Cleveland Heights (1981-1996), 637-343-38
585 - Jim Cooper, Sylvania Northview (1976-2008), 585-354-34
561 - Doug Hauser, Parma Padua Franciscan (1983-2011), 561-282-39
507 - Robert Whidden, Lakewood St. Edward (1985-2005, retired), 507-149-17
417- Pat O'Rourke, Cleveland St Ignatius (2004-2019) 417-126-21


Most Overtimes Played (minimum 5)

8 - Aurora (2) vs. Solon (1) (2/18/2007)
7 - Sylvania Northview (1) vs. Cleveland St. Ignatius (1) (3/8/2014, 2014 OHSAA Ice Hockey State Championship game, declared a tie)
6 - Lakewood St. Edward (3) vs. Cleveland St. Ignatius (2) (3/7/2009)
5 - Gahanna Lincoln (1) vs. Olentangy Orange (0) (2/10/2024, Blue Jackets Cup tournament game that was scoreless through five overtimes and decided in a shootout)
5 - Cleveland Heights (3) vs. Lakewood St. Edward (2) (2/15/1992)

Highest Attendance

4,022 - Oregon Clay vs. Whitehouse Anthony Wayne at Lucas County Arena (01/01/2010)
3,457 - Hunting Valley University School vs. Thomas Worthington & Lakewood St. Edward vs. Bowling Green at Nationwide Arena (2003 State Semifinals)
3,108 - Hunting Valley University School vs. Lakewood St. Edward at Nationwide Arena (2003 State Finals)