1. Pairings & Participants
Pairings will be posted at
www.baumspage.com/ohsaa/wr/2025/. Boys will be posted by noon, Sunday, March 2, 2025. Girls will be posted by noon, Monday, March 3, 2025. Please check that
your wrestler’s name is correct. Send all corrections to Director of Media Relations, Tim Stried at
[email protected] before 4 p.m., Monday, March 3.
2. Alternates (Before the Friday Weigh-In)
If you know that one of your wrestlers who qualified will not be able to compete,
you must contact Beau Rugg (
[email protected]) ASAP so the alternate can be notified. Please be considerate of all wrestlers. The wrestler who originally qualified will still receive a program and tickets for the Tournament.
3. Practice Site
The Schottenstein Center is unavailable on Thursday for either practice or checking weight.
4. Directions
The tournament is held at the Schottenstein Center, 555 Borror Drive, Columbus, OH 43210. Park in the Gray Lots and go to the SW Rotunda. Doors open Friday at 9AM.
5. Packet Pickup
Packets, which contain tickets, parking passes, programs, and tournament information, can be picked up in the Aux Gymnasium, located on the west side of The Schottenstein Center, beginning Friday, March 7 at 9 a.m.
6. Wrestlers/Coaches Tickets & Pass Outs
Coaches will receive books of tickets as follows: 1 qualifier (1 book); 2 to 4 qualifiers (2 books); 5 to 8 qualifiers (3 books); 9 to 14 qualifiers (4 books). Each qualifier will receive a book of tickets. Coaches and wrestlers ONLY can “pass out” and reenter at the SW Rotunda Gates.
7. Parking
Coaches will receive passes as follows: 1-4 qualifiers (1 pass); 5-8 qualifiers (2 passes), 9-12 qualifiers (3 passes); and 13-14 qualifiers (4 passes). Instructions for reserved coaches parking will be in the packet. These parking passes are non-transferable. Do not park in the lots overnight.
8. Programs
Coaches will receive programs as follows: 1 qualifier (1 program); 2-4 qualifiers (2 programs); 5 or more qualifiers (3 programs). Each qualifier will receive a program.
9. Tournament Physicians Decisions
The tournament physicians’ decisions relative to the medical status of any wrestler are final.
10. Unofficial & Official boys & girls Weigh in
Scales are unavailable Thursday. Scales will open Friday, March 7 at 9 a.m. in the Entry Level Section 131. The wrestler can weigh in unofficially from 9 a.m. to 10:05 a.m. on the same scale which he/she will weigh in officially beginning at his/her appointed time (see attached weigh in sheet). All wrestlers must weigh in Friday from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Weigh in shall be scratch weight plus 3 pounds for the Friday weigh-in.
11. Alternates (During the Friday Weigh in)
A white board located next to the weigh in area will maintain the status of who has weighed in. When the tournament staff is notified that an alternate will replace a qualifier, an announcement will be made. The OHSAA Policy regarding where alternates are placed in the bracket is located in the OHSAA Program.
12. Coaches Meeting
Coaches info meeting is Friday, March 7 at 10 a.m., on the Arena Floor.
13. Reporting for Matches
Check the program brackets for match numbers. A match board is used. Credentials are not issued for either coaches or wrestlers. Simply follow the signs and report to the Bullpen when your match number appears on the match board.
NOTE: A red number indicates either a medical default or forfeit; a green number indicates a state champion while a blue number indicates a wrestler has won three state titles.
14. Professionalism of Coaches
It is the moral obligation of all Ohio Wrestling Coaches to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects credit upon their high school, their profession and themselves. Personal grooming and appropriate dress is a standard of professionalism. The wearing of jeans, t-shirts, sweat suits and warm-up suits (top or bottom), head wear and similar apparel are not considered suitable attire for coaches during the OHSAA Sectional, District, and State Wrestling Tournaments and, therefore, are prohibited. Coaches who are inappropriately dressed will not be allowed on the competition floor beginning Session 1. Moral behavior and ethical conduct are part of winning and losing. Good sportsmanship, appearance, honor, and concern for the well-being of the competitors must be every coach’s priority. The Rules have been established in the spirit of this statement.
15. Locker Rooms & Showers
Lockers will not be available for contestants. Showers will be available in rooms located behind Press Row for both boys and girls. A room located in the Aux Gym will be available to “check” medical kits, equipment bags, clothing, etc. (similar to a coat check).
16. Warm up Room & Checking Weight
The Aux Gym is available for warming up. It also has 2 TV's for the Bout Board and 2 TV's to watch live wrestling. The mat area behind the bicycle racks is for “active” wrestling and warming up only. The weigh in area will have two scales so wrestlers can check their weight.
17. Boys & Girls Weigh out
Divisions I, II, and III championship semifinalists and consolation Semifinalists may begin weighing out Saturday, March 8 at 4:20 p.m. The SW Rotunda Doors open at 4:00 p.m. for wrestlers and coaches only. All wrestlers who qualify for Sunday must report for the weigh out during Session #3. The weigh out will conclude 30 minutes after the last match is finished during Session 3. If any wrestler does not make weight during the Session 3 weigh out period, there will be a final weigh out period on Sunday, March 9 (8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.). The SW Rotunda Doors open Sunday at 8 a.m. for wrestles and coaches only. The weigh out shall be scratch weight plus 4 pounds for the Saturday evening and Sunday morning weigh out.
18. Awards
Awards will be presented after wrestling is completed during Session 5. Wrestlers are required to appear in their high school singlet or warm-ups ONLY in order to receive their awards.