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FAQs for Fans - State Wrestling

When will tournament pairings be announced and how can I obtain them?
Pairings will be posted at www.baumspage.com/ohsaa/wr/2025/. Boys pairings will be available beginning at noon, Sunday, March 2, 2025. Girls pairings will be available at noon, Monday, March 3, 2025. Please check that your wrestler’s name is correct. Send all corrections to Director of Media Relations, Tim Stried at [email protected] before 4 p.m., Monday, March 3.
What if I notice that one of my wrestler's names in the tournament pairings is misspelled or his record is incorrect?
Send an email to the attention of Tim Stried, Director of Media Relations, immediately. He may be reached at [email protected].
Where are the State Tournaments held and how do I get there?
The OHSAA State Wrestling Tournaments are contested on the campus of The Ohio State University in Columbus at the Schottenstein Center (corner of Lane Avenue and Olentangy River Road). This year's tournaments will be March 7-9, 2025. Directions to the Schottenstein Center are available on the web page for the arena at: www.schottensteincenter.com.
What are the times for the five sessions when the three divisions will be wrestled?
Friday, March 7
10:15 a.m. Weigh-in Begins
11:15 a.m. Weigh-in Ends
12:00 p.m. Doors Open
1:00 p.m. Wrestling Begins - Session 1 (Championship Preliminaries & Consolation Round 1)
9:00 p.m. Wrestling Ends
Saturday, March 8
8:30 a.m. Doors Open
9:30 a.m. Wrestling Begins - Session 2 (Quarterfinals & Consolations Round 2)
3:00 p.m. Wrestling Ends
4:20 p.m. Weigh-out Begins
4:30 p.m. Doors Open
5:30 p.m. Wrestling Begins - Session 3 (Semifinals & Consolation Quarterfinals)
9:30 p.m. Wrestling Ends
** **Weigh-out Ends 30 Minutes After Last Match****
Sunday, March 9
8:00 a.m. Doors Open
8:30 a.m. Weigh-out Begins
9:00 a.m. Weigh-out Ends
9:30 a.m. Wrestling Begins - Session 4 (Consolations)
2:00 p.m. Wrestling Ends - Tear Down Chairs, Tables, Mats
4:00 p.m. Doors Open
4:50 p.m. Hall of Fame Induction for Coaches and Officials
5:00 p.m. Parade of Champions and Championship Matches Begin - Session 5 (All Finals)
8:00 p.m. Wrestling Ends
8:20 p.m. Individual Awards Begin
10:15 p.m. Individual and Team Awards Finish
How do I purchase tickets for the tournaments?
Single-session tickets will available on Monday, March 3 through ticketmaster.com. Cost is $18/ticket for entry and club levels. Student pricing is available for $15 in all seating levels. Participants in the tournament will receive one book of tickets, which the wrestler must use for entry into the Schottenstein Center. All-session tickets are available for $84 each for Entry and Club Levels & $55 each for Terrace Level, or $58 for current Students plus applicable service charges. All-session tickets are on sale now. Tickets are available through the OSU Ticket Office or ticketmaster.com. Note: Tickets purchased at the Ohio State Athletics Ticket Office are not charged service fees.
Where can I park once I'm at the Schottenstein Center?
Parking lots are available near the Schottenstein Center. Lots are cashless, accepting credit/debit cards or mobile payment.
Are there programs available, and how much do they cost?
Yes, $5.
Am I permitted to leave the arena and re-enter during the same session?
No, there are no pass outs allowed for spectators.
Once I am in the arena, how do I know who is wrestling and when the matches take place?
The souvenir OHSAA state wrestling tournament program, which sells for $5, will provide a complete listing for each session along with a bracket showing each wrestler in his proper weight class and division. The program also lists coaches, past two-, three- and four-time state champions and other interesting information. 
How do I know at approximately what time the wrestler I am following will be competing?
A matchboard will be used to schedule all matches. The computerized matchboards are suspended from the Schottenstein Center ceiling. In addition, TV monitors, located in the concourse hallways and the Auxiliary Gymnasium, can be viewed by wrestlers, coaches and spectators.
Every match has been assigned a match number, and all match numbers are found in the state tournaments program. Once you have found the match you are interested in the program, match numbers will appear on the matchboard in the order in which they will be wrestled. The scoreboard will list 10 consecutive mats. The matchboard will indicate the following: WR-wrestling; OD-on deck (wrestlers positioned behind the respective mat); BP-bullpen (wrestlers report to the east end of the arena), and WU-warm-up (wrestlers should report to the bullpen in approximately 10 minutes). No matches, other than those marked TBA (to be assigned), will be announced over the public address system, except for the finals.
Am I permitted to videotape or take photos of a wrestler?
Yes, spectators are permitted to videotape from their assigned seat. Fans are asked not to interfere with the view of other spectators. Media personnel only are permitted on the arena floor.
Am I permitted to videotape or take photos of the awards ceremony on the floor should the wrestler I am following place in the top eight?
Fans are not permitted on the arena floor to take photos of the official awards ceremony. However, spectators may videotape or take photos of the eight place winners on an awards stand in the Auxiliary Gymnasium.
How will someone not attending the tournaments be able to obtain results of the matches?
What hotels might I call for overnight accommodations?
A list of hotels around the campus of The Ohio State University, along with some other areas of Columbus, is available on the Fan Guide OHSAA web page.
Are food and beverages available in the arena or restaurants nearby?
Yes, both in the arena and at area restaurants, some of which are within walking distance of the arena. Click here for area restaurants. However, it is prohibited to bring outside food and drink into the arena.