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Wresting 2024-2025

2024-25 Boys' Wresting Tournament Information.

Division I.
Sectional Tournament – Combine with Central District.
Schools: Logan to Central District.

Division II. 
Sectional Tournament.

February 22, 2025. 
Gallia Academy High School, 2855 Centenary Road, Gallipolis. 
Terry Young, Tournament Mgr. Email: [email protected]. Cell: 740-517-0195.
Adam Clark, Gallia Academy AD, Site Mgr.

Two sectionals at one site. Seeding to determine sectional assignment. Top four (4) in each weight class advance to D2 District wrestling at Steubenville HS on Friday, February 28, and Saturday, March 1, 2025.

Sectional 1       Sectional 2  
Seed# Team     Seed# Team
1 Athens     2 Washington CH
4 Logan Elm     3 New Lexington
5 Sheridn     6 Miami Trace
8 Warren     7 Westfall
9 Jackson     10 Circleville
12 Gallia Academy     11 Chillicothe
13 Vinton County     14 Fairfield Union
16 Hillsboro     15 McClain
17 Marietta     18 Waverly
        19 Unioto

Schools: Athens, Chillicothe, Circleville, Fairfield Union, Gallia Academy, Hillsboro, Jackson, Logan Elm, Marietta, McClain, Miami Trace, New Lexington, Sheridan, Unioto, Vinton County, Warren, Washington CH, Waverly, Westfall. (19)

Division II. 
District Tournament.
February 28 & March 1, 2025. 
Hosted by the East District.
Steubenville High School

Qualifiers from Sectional Tournaments will be as follows:
Division II – Two (2) East sectionals: Two (2) Southeast sectionals.
Division II – The first four (4) in each weight class will qualify to State Tournament.

Division III Sectional Tournament.
February 21 & 22, 2025.
Alexander High School, 6091 Ayers Raod, Albany.
Terry Young, Tournament Mgr. Email: [email protected]. Cell: 740-517-0195.
Natalie Lucas, Alexander AD, Site Mgr.

Top four (4) in each weight class advance to D3 District wrestling to be held at Coshocton HS on Friday, February 28 and Saturday, March 1, 2025.

Schools:  Adena, Alexander, Belpre, Chesapeake, Eastern (Reedsville), Fairland, Federal Hocking, Huntington, Ironton, Manchester, Meigs, Nelsonville-York, Paint Valley, Piketon, River Valley, South Point, Southeastern, Trimble, Waterford, Wellston, West Union, Western, Zane Trace (23)

Division III. 
February 28 & March 1, 2025.
District at East District site. Coshocton High School, Coshocton, OH


2024-25 Girls' Wresting Tournament Information.

Division I.
Sunday, February 23, 2025.
Gallia Academy High School, 2855 Centenary Road, Gallipolis.   
Terry Young, Tournament Mgr. Email: [email protected]. Cell: 740-517-0195.
Adam Clark, Gallia Academy AD, Site Mgr.

Top four (4) in each weight class advance to the girls' District wrestling at Big Walnut High School  (713 N Miller Drive, Sunbury, OH  43074) on Sunday, March 2, 2005. 

Schools: Adena, Alexander, Athens, Belpre, Chesapeake, Circleville, Eastern (Reedsville), Gallia Academy, Hillsboro, Ironton, Jackson, Logan, Marietta, McClain, Meigs, Miami Trace, New Lexington, Piketon, River Valley, Sheridan, South Point, Southeastern, Unioto, Vinton County, Warren, Washington CH, Waverly, Wellston, West Union, Westfall (31) 

District Tournament.
March 2, 2025.
Hosted by Central District. Big Walnut HS, Sunbury.
Qualifiers from Sectional Tournaments will be as follows: Three (3) Central sectionals and One (1) Southeast sectional. The first four (4) in each weight class will qualify to State Tournament.

Update 1/23/25


2023-2024 Wresting Tournament Information.

Division I.
Sectional Tournament – Combine with Central District.
Schools: Logan to Central District.

Division II. 
Sectional Tournament.

February 24, 2024. Gallia Academy HS, 2855 Centenary Road, Gallipolis, Ohio45631-1109. Terry Young, Manager. Email: [email protected]. Cell: 740-517-0195. Two sectionals at one site. Seeding to determine sectional assignment.

Schools: Athens, Chillicothe, Circleville, Fairfield Union, Gallia Academy, Hillsboro, Jackson, Logan Elm, Marietta, McClain, Miami Trace, New Lexington, River Valley, Sheridan, Unioto, Vinton County, Warren, Washington C.H., Waverly. (19)

Division II. 
District Tournament.
March 1, 2, 2024. Gallia Academy HS, 2855 Centenary Road, Gallipolis, Ohio 45631-1109. Adam Clark, Mgr. 740-446-3212 ext. 6 (office), 740-441-4331 (cell). Email: [email protected]

Qualifiers from Sectional Tournaments will be as follows:
Division II – Two (2) East sectionals: Two (2) Southeast sectionals.
Division II – The first four (4) in each weight class will qualify to State Tournament.

Division III Sectional Tournament – February 24, 25, 2024.
The Southeast district will not host a sectional per OHSAA representation calculations. SE schools assigned to other districts are as follows:
To Central: Teams – Paint Valley, Westfall; Schools – Huntington, Southeastern, Zane Trace. (5)
To East: Teams – Alexander, Crooksville, Meigs, Trimble; Schools – Belpre, Eastern (Meigs), Nelsonville, South Gallia, Waterford, Wellston. (9)
To Southwest: Teams – Ironton, West Union; Schools – Adena, Chesapeake, Fairland, South Point. (6)
Schools should check each respective assigned district website for tournament details.

Division III. 
March 1, 2, 2024. District at Central District site. Heath HS, Heath, OH

Revised 11/2023


Division I Sectional Tournament – Combine with Central District.
Schools:  Logan to Central District.

Division II Sectional Tournament February 25, 2023

Gallia Academy HS, 2855 Centenary Road, Gallipolis, Ohio45631-1109. Terry Young, Manager.  Email: [email protected].  Cell: 740-517-0195.  Two sectionals at one site.   Seeding to determine sectional assignment. 

Schools: Athens, Chillicothe, Circleville, Fairfield Union, Gallia Academy, Hillsboro, Jackson, Logan Elm, Marietta, McClain, Miami Trace, New Lexington, River Valley, Sheridan, Unioto, Vinton County, Warren, Washington C.H., Waverly.   (19)

Division II District Tournament – March 3, 4, 2023.  

Qualifiers from Sectional Tournaments will be as follows:

Div. II – Two (2) East sectionals:  Two (2) Southeast sectionals.    Division II – The first four (4) in each weight class will qualify to State Tournament.

Division III Sectional TournamentFebruary 25, 26, 2023.

The Southeast district will not host a sectional per OHSAA representation calculations.   SE schools assigned to other districts are as follows:

To Central: Teams – Paint Valley, Westfall;  Schools – Huntington, Southeastern, Zane Trace. (5)

To East: Teams – Alexander, Crooksville, Meigs, Trimble;  Schools – Belpre, Eastern (Meigs), Nelsonville, South Gallia, Waterford, Wellston. (10)

To Southwest: Teams – Ironton, West Union;  Schools – Adena, Chesapeake, Fairland, South Point. (6)

Schools should check each respective assigned district website for tournament details.

Division III – District – March 3, 4, 2023.    District at East District site.  Harrison Central, Cadiz.   



Wrestling Calendar

Nov. 15
First Day of Coaching
Nov. 16
Earliest Preview Date
Dec. 5
Season Begins
Jan. 6
Non-Interscholastic Date
Feb. 9 Tournament Draw
Feb. 17-22
Sectional Tournaments
Feb. 24 - March 2
District Tournaments
March 7-9
State Tournament 
March 9
Season Ends

Wrestling History